  what business opportuniies and climate challenges may you find and meet
Upholding business opportunities for most people in the world so people can fulfil their duty by investing 2 hours a day pluss money for those who can, should represent the best job opportunity and best investment possible, for one and all as well.

Investment profit potential should be better than elsewhere and all should do their best to make it generelly higher than the marked otherwise. Mass production by mass orders before as part of climate cooperation and keeping low costs keeping the stock holder as those who should earn money as first principle, not the chiefs and emplyees, who should generally be paid well also according to marked and also in stocks!

As a jiob opportunity students are in a good position to create their own job, better paid for less work and more flexibility during the year, the satisfaction of doing real work lifesupporting for all asopects of society, not isolated with costs on world economy and world society with our environment and of building values giving a indepenedent position still in good cooperation with the Climate Network of Integrated Growth!

Universities and specialisation is needed, general good knowledge too, however, the university system seems impractical and wasting a lot of time and rsourches wrongly, they have a lot to learn. Part time 2 hours work for students is a good idea, investing their time and partly being paid in cash together with stocks may be flexibel adaptation to the need of time.

Those wanting opportunities should think about the climate fund as a profetional partner one pay in order to achieve service and values. This is said because society promotes the wrong attitude of becomming an enplyed being paid, more like a child being taken care of, rather than grown up running his own economy and businesses.

Building a 2 km long ship wih and 1800 m airline, 20 000 apparments and a 3 km long hall as city area 12-36m wide and the Climae University of Global Integrity may seem as a to large challenge, however, he meassure is accually to small to save the plannet, but the first 108 perhaps may balance global warming by the 3 km tall flying updraft tower balloon, creaing clouds over the ocean sun protecitng factor not exacly calculated.
But the challenge of building one of 1008 or 5040 stock companies in the compeetion o be one of the 1008 of the ship, the rest going into the the next 4 ships also with 1008 companies each, is easily within a team of students reach and a good challenge, by many of he stock companies role, independent of the ship.
Of course a hotel company, resturant company, body building company wihin the ship would be dependendt, even hough he restuarant concep may be so good that it goes for all cities in the world, we know one! A solar energy production company by our paents, may deliver to family houses inexpensice solutions as well as making huge buildings as he ship independent or selfsufficiency with energy.
We also have good business opportuniies for applying pure energy by selfsufficiency for transport and welcomes others wih own ideas to compee by a sock company with documenaion of cooperation wih he fund. People with own paens may go together establishing one company wih several good ideas including one from he fund. According to the wholistic straegy of our common world defense, we also have several patens for CO2 reducion by growing plankton or bioenergy fas growing greens, bu no for bioenergu, but as fertilizer for growing farms and forests in desserts, including new first class waer toilets gahering fertilizer. There is also a company for hiring out small palaces and he exraordinary good service and infrastructure following, including the Optimum Healh research University for optimal healh and well being. Other is he Ganga Rescue Operaion serving Himalaya countries with fresh hot waer, rebuilding of Glaciers,, energy and hot water for cleaning and food or tea by tube ppipelines from the ocean into the Himalay wih salt waer taken out as steam every km and in the end by solar collecors by the tubes! For a team of students stock company fund raising may also be by buisnesses sponsorship money. A company making NTNU itself independent with energy by he company and research project to be sold NNU when up and running, is a good idea, making NTNU important in the world. Sponsorship, not businss idea, by carbon credit is a good idea , too. We offer Norway to get a real carbon credit balance for all CO2 pollution in the pas and fuure also by the produced oil sold around the world and welcomes oil companies as well to pay, but the happy opportunity represents an invstment with a excelent profit potential, even hough 10% is expeced to be used for chalk ino the ocean balances the CO2 accid effect on he sea, as a global protection o unacceptable risks and damage of rhe sea. A stock company by a team of students may enjoy several business opportunities, but no more than 4 including the use of the timeshare of 18 appartments of the ship.
,more opportuniies available by eSubscription including confidenciality agreement and documentaion.
How about a city buss flying from buss stop to buss sop with single coupes for good comfort by good economy and optimum transport economy and speed, as the transport bewtween the ship and land is supposed to be organised by such flying machines with helicopter funcioning and high speed transport at longer distances! How about a real good car at ones taking the marked by most people ordering onbe by opimum economy for society and he bayer? How about global times becomming the cenre of all informaion still alowing free compeeion for all promoting informaion, newspper, magazines, v programs, books e tc? How about a new shoping suystem by organic 1008 dayliy health products or resuran organic 108 buffe like? If you do not have an idea for your stock company opportunity, perhaps one of he mentioned may be a nice challenge or join in several stock company projects, as many doing a litle wvery week may do! How about the GlobaL BANK NEW NATIONAL BANK OPPORUNITIES`? How about the 3 km tall updraft tower transporting the pure water and the pure energy produced as a balloon or transporting people? Then wqith opportunity of good cashflow we have pyramid business combined wih all the other functionings, giving a cashflow more like a pyramid game, bu not a game, legal multilevel marketing by the network building, may give pyramical profit potenials for all ino building the infrastructure of world peace and global integriy. 2 hours a day may give a good cash flow for everyone as well as wealh building., he climate fund give he opportunity, not possible to creae better opportunities otherwise, but each and everyone must find a challenge they can master and realize as good business. The profot pestimate on pyramid business alwas in combination wih integrated growth opportunities is excelent for anyone and from any point of view. There is also a pyramid game by chess, go, golf etc as well as on celebrations and festival programs.
The risks are unbelivable terrifying and we have no guarantees, it may happen allready nex year or sooner, changes so big that world economy is gone, a total collapse of economy gives small potssebilities to do what must be done. So we can only hope ha it is not oo late and that we can build a world of wealth and affluance for everyone, soon, by building the world of integrity we need! to be above he terifying risks of terrorism against humanity.

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