  Cancun, the new UN related climate terrorism

Cancun, represents progress related to Copenhagen climate meeting, but may be said to be both an excuse for not doing anything, as well as terrorism against humanity. Those knowing the difference of rigth and wrong have a duty to point it out. With all respect for those in UN and governments having noble aspirations for a save climate change development, but we seeking cooperation with one and all is hold down not only by the lack of cooperation given, but by the duty to point out that terrorism of ignoring the duties related to the possible risks of climate change, is world war 3! It is not what could be said to happen for sure which gives the need for taking responsibility, it is the obvious risks of not doing anything, which is terrorism. he only responsible is o reverse he climate change at once and that is what our global mobilization is about. People must learn ofmistakes the world have done and intelectually see the need to join our common world defense, we hope it is not too late.
I seems like a joke, the standard set is to accept a raise to pluss 2 degrees Celsius, now, regisered about 0,8 degrees climate change. hat is risking he total damage of world society and borrow time on the costs of the children as an idea. We say idea, because climae change is allready past 2 degrees Celsius in increased emperature, but because the temperature in the ocean, gives what is meassured and it akes ime to heat the deep ocean and melt all the ice, a lower temperature is messured, but the problems are allready here and probably passed 2 degrees climate change allready by the present greenhouse gas concentration. The ocean is heaed to receive a lot of ice and there are several things telling that a phase transition is likeløy to happen sooner than expected, perhaps even in weeks! hese changes gives collapse of world economy most likely if happens, now, and taking these risks is terrorism against humanity, world war 3. One of the bad things about the duty to point out the difference of rigth and wrong here, is that they want to esablish climate funds, which indicates both willingness to cooperate with them, which according to standardised routines is possible, but not to bay them so to say, which is the corruption. It also demonstrates the willingness to even take he war against the people of the world agains nour ommon world defenmse, meaning the sickness probably is real bad mentality, by many leaders of the world. No one wans to be tha bad, it is shame and anxiety puhing the terrorism further by willingness to exploit the situation. So when our crirism of the main problem of the situation is our duty to clearify, bad feelings may be the respons from many, so by our Global Voice of Conscience we hope people are intelligent enough to analyze their role and duy inelectually, as an intellectual agreemen is stronger than the shame. Holding the world ransome by different pressures on the people is part of thw shame and the location, cancan, sorry Cancun,...
Read more bout universal duty, called earlier universal dharma, know Universias Dharma, One must read the whole homepage in order to comprehend the critisism and opportunity of cooperation.
It is a great joy to communicate that the best use of the money planned spent is found by the Cli,mate Fund of Integrated Growth upholding a welcome to UN and all governments to cooperate and in stead of donations, invest in our stock company is the royal command!

Bolivia must be congratulated as suggesting that the excuse for not doing anything serious, the Cancun agreement, may raise temperature perhaps 4 degrees Celsius! Unfortunatly the real temperature may be 4 degrees allready, if the balance is the greenhousgas concentration. We welcomes Bolivia and he other countries to contribute to integrated growth comparative research study to consider the worst which possible may happen by common sense consideration of risk patterns and to do research on how best to invest in the future by criteria of balance. People are still driving cars and boats for fun, polluting for pleassure, cars are allowed to vaste he valuable oil by speed which is killing by satistic itself, 30 km an hour would reduce oilburning! We do not say that these things should be done because it is natural do do a lo more, we jus points ou the governments of the world have failed together wih the world of science. The governments have the instruments as promoting law and the world of science lacks integriy and may be said to be the reason for society being decades behind what it could have beeb with bes integration of science and tecxhnology in sociey and also the reaon for developments as climae change, pollution, poverty etc. It is our duty to point ou this and NTNU university is old by examples how lack of integrity and waste of resourches rather than effective integration of knowledge in society, is wrongly organised. his by personal work of Anand, as he enterprise do not consider political and inernal questions for university as a rule, just promoting intgriy by university cooperation.

100 BILLION usd they plan to invest in developing countries o combat climate change they, say, however, best to invest the money therby in integrated growth ansd the sum may be enough to realize a solution by the climate fund of integraed growth. We guess that using 90 billion on balancing the heating producing clouds and pure water and ransprt f pure water to developing countries, is imporant. hen using 5 billion on balancing CO2 in the ocean and 5 billion on replacing ice above the sea and in the Himalayas with one of the 5.

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