Greenest in Europe, the county Trøndelag is a local initiative and our compliment. We have established a project, a competition between the counties Trøndelag and Hordaland, Trondheim and Bergen city mostly. The competition is to build a climate ship first and we hope the new initiative is a step in direction of the global competition to build a world of global integrity where the new concept is: CHI or codes of honour of integrity. Inspired by the perspective adding intelligence to their noble aspirations, we challenge Europe to join in the competition as well, building the smartest climate ship 240mx240m with the best updraft tower combinations is the competition in Europe and the best city by integrated growth solutions as an example for all cities organisation. We seek persons outside Europe to sit in the evaluation comity or comities, more than a hundred as verifying the qualities of the 108 ministries integrated in the city government of the climate ship is part of the Green County Championship and the 1008 stock companies should represent local integration of green organisation by the local area in Europe represented by the team participating in the competition. Trondheim is leading and according to former Swedish minister have the best changes in the world where students are in a good situation and may enjoy opportunities by inviting the oil fund to invest.
We shall be grateful to receive interest and the Bergen Trondheim competition is now growing greener!
The climate ship of a greener world have at least one stock company producing forests and new farms as of large desserts!

The ball diameter is 108m giving a dome 216mx216m and a ship 240mx240m. The application above is mostly for the demonstration ship 20 times smaller, so 240m x 240m with 2 80m wide skies to surf on 240m long is expected size. There are several thousand apartments 3m x 18m in the pyramid with 3m tall steps below the penthouse 108mx108m with 4 halls 1008 sq m and 9072 (9x 1008) sq m building when the 9 courts are there! Several competitions around the world likewise as for Europe and the winners goes together with local competition participants to compete building a larger floating city and country.
It is a great joy to welcome one and all to join in as our competition is by standardized routines of building a climate ship those wanting to establish a local building project in the competition may order an eSubscription by the Climate Library of Integrated Growth and apply by Rajananand Dhananjaya for the position opening for others local to join in later.
Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway
Global Integrity Research Scientist
(Excuse the page adds , not ours!)
6. mai 2011 Our Year of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth
Dear World Citizen of our Golden Age of Enlightenment, enjoy living in our united world with a wealth of knowledge and experience of the revolution of science.
Anand (Rajan-anand) made the perfection of the global integrity logo.
Account 0532 1667831
NO24 0532 1667831, BiC DNBANOKKXXX
It is a great joy welcoming one and all to enjoy the year of our Royal Library Society of Integrated Growth by ordering a Golden Times eSubscription. The fee for one year is NOK 108 and for those wanting to contribute as editors of golden times to the reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science for others ordering of information, the fee is NOK 1008. Those contributing may enjoy membership of the high society and Anand presents his personal eSubscription as Editor of Golden Times and example for one and all, here. Golden Times promotes Integritynet, a new Internet.
Motto: All good people in present world economy need to do in order to damage or destroy our world, is nothing. Based on the 90% certain fact that we are beyond the tipping point. of climate change! If the concentration of climate gasses is the problem as UN says, then it is more than likely that the real temperature of the world is 3 degrees Celsius hotter than normal, not the 0,7 as they tell, because it takes time to heat the deep ocean and melt the ice, as 1-2 million sq km of ice is gone from the ice, less ice cubes to keep it cool… Then a phase transition may come this week as far as we know, and by real temperature sea level may be 5-10 m higher, sudden change may remove streams of th world ocean, streams feeding oxygen production…
The Royal Command of Rajananand, his demand is stop damaging our world, stop doing nothing according to what must be done, join our common world defence or children and women may enjoy programs of celebration.
aksjon Trøndelag, alt godt folk trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge verden, er intet
Motto. Alt godt folk trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge vår verden ved dagens verdens økonomi, er intet. Basert på det 90% sikre fakta, verden ved klimaendringene er passert tippepunktet.
The climate voting by pure non political democracy prepares voting of different questions related to the local campaign before the competetion building climate ships is initiated. We seek 108 persons to become ministers of the 108 ministries of the ship and someone to prepare and do the climate voting, find the rigth questions and raising the spirit of togetherness of the competetion where all are winners but the winners get a huge reward, a around the world cruise is just dessert!