Newspapers and magazines by one weekly or dayily edition may reprint the enclosed once by paying 1008 NOK for an email subscription, nt changing the attachment, presented whole unchanched and by reporting by mail where and when published.
One exception size may be larger and one may quoate from our homepages. Other text introducing the yantra in local language perhaps is:
Rajananand Dhannjaya found the inner intelligence of the yantra probably more than 12 000 year old. The oldest know otherwise by incomplete memory is a little more than 1000 years old and fund in a temple in India.. Rajananand made it the Global Integrity Logo by the united world experience of all seeing eye meditation.
when money sent, please be free to publish, and report payment and when and where published! One may apply for reprinting for free.
see also
For magazines, TV,, newspapers etc. there is an eSubscription costing 1008 NOK with at least 4 quarterly newsletters with free pressreleass as well as articles for sale. tf programs for sale, discussion administration of important questions with opportunbity for ordering from our homepage as well etc.
By application to the climate fund the folowing immage may be reprined unchanged as far as all is readable by size and one may qoate or refere from the rest of the page, too! One may request the gif immage by mail together with answeres to questions or special presentation, then we expect some payment for the service by ecepions of spiritual related quesions to Anand. Climate Fund presenation is a business but at he same time only by he values of he activity uphold!

alternativ pressrelease:
Anand, Rajananand Dhananjaya, the Global Integrity Research Scientist and founder of the science of wholeness enterprise and The Climate University, who found probably first in thausend of years the inner innelligence of the yantra by the proper relationship between circles and squares or cubes and balls, presens how this as the global inegrity logo gives the archiecture of pyramid penthouses as well as the climae ship! Ra-yantra inspired by Heyerdahl and the ancient sun culure so to say, is used o adapt to the suns heaing of the world by climae change and is perfect solution.

The above gif image is included in the pressrelease with its explanaion of the solution to global warming and the drawings.
The gif may be split up and tx ranslaed bu basically complete and ubchanenced presentation! Quating from my homepage otherwise is allowed and this as first free article in a serie, where one pays for the other is possible to!
Alternativ free pressrelease:

The follwing may be reprinted unchanges and complete even in black and white and readable, at least the man text and homepageadress!

Mount Meru Everest here with 7 cubic frames with balloons with diameter 1008m inside and more than 9000 m tall, is a news in itself, as the message of tallest buildings always includes the projec comming up!
The ship likewise as biggest in the world is good news and a good story.
That it includes the solution to climate change, if not to late, is a must for any decent newspaper to tell.
That it is based on calculations clearly indicating that the situation is worse, than UN climate panel tells, is a world news it is errorism against humanity not to inform others about, as we expect each and every one as soon as possible to inform 4 new abut our Common World Defence.
The architecture alone also is a world news and a must for a decent newspaper to tell about, as archelogical proofs by the yantra fulfilled, indicates it may be orgional pyramid architecture and the foundation pyramid of the ship is by the size of Cheops.
The fulfilment of the intelligence of the yanra as probably the more than 5000 year old pyramid drawing in itself is a must to inroduce and all these world news and sensations are ignored as by VG, Dagbladdet, Adresseavisen and others in Norway. Why?
Our Common World Defense represents the largest operation ever, D day is rather smal in comparison.
It is real good news and a good story to tell even wihout it?
by homepage references the following may be applaid for reprinting: