  our pyramid logo, rayantra

Rayantra is our logo and different from shri yantra and oher yantras by the perfect relationship between the circles/ circles and the square or mandala, the number 108 and 1008 in India holy and by staphya veda. he optimum configuraion of the yanra is found within he square or cube and circles and ball, and our finding is therefore uniq and he origional new development but perhaps first the last milleniums. It is obvios it have mystic values and is a magic revealed by the values i reflecs! All rigth reserved by Golden Times om behalf of the people of the world by our World Consitution.
The 9 triangels known as yantra is probably as old as the pyramid and by several mathematic and historic proofs it may be said to be the architectual drawing of the Cheops pyramid as a foundation for a penthouse palace and fort.

Here we see the optimal configuration of the triangels integrated with the mandala and the relationship between the circles and the square or balls and cubes! By the ship we see the pyramid with the size and porportions of the Cheops pyramid.directly given by rayantra. Anand is probably the first in milleniums who have got the drawing rigth and pointed out thet it is also representing the physiology of man with 9 chakras of mind bode integration. This is a millenium sensation and when our NTNU student organisaion shares the logo, it is a shame that their 100 year celebration with an architect exhibition missed the sensation, opened today 13th of September at NTNU, still good as they seems inspired by our half year internet exhibition by the idea of how the pyramid is buildt up from inside. The NTNU idea of how it is buildt may be wrong as floating stones by boats and channels with pools going up to the top, seems obviously easy, and easiest solutions for brillian geniouses of the old civilization. Also expecting there to be 10 000 idiots building it seems wrong as the society probaby was more advanced than Norway and NTNU. Perhaps hemen body builder soldiers out of season farmers used lifting water as a sport! Unfortunatly stories indicates tha  there was slaves and that was the reason for the fall of the civilization by the war described by Mahabaraha happening more than 5000 years ago. I guess though may be tha the Nile society was by the Pandu brothers and healthy without slaves, though the global kingdom before the war had the problem of slavery and coruption of military cast lrading to the purification of war.
The architect giving the exhibition is welcomed to cooperation considering the integration of the pyramid palaces and he suggested a meating soon when receiving the gif immage of this page today. We are ready to give a lecture and those interested may enjoy a free one by ordering an eSubscription, 216, kr and NTNU against reconable payment may enjoy some lectures.
The rayantra logo by many foundations of he science of wholeness enterprise is the Global Integriy Logo. using the perfection of the probably more han 5000 year old drawing and as an example of combining knowledge pyramids for defense by our common world defense. There are many areas of mystic giving pure magic, but our scienific approach remains non religious. The sun or ra yantra also represens relationship to the sun as we have to adjust to global warming and the luxery of he old pyramid society at least for the rich was probably beter than modern society, without pollution.

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