
CO2 is what the UN scientists of the climate panel have agreed hae accumulated and caused climate change and global warming with pluss 0,8 degrees Celsius and wait and see, not accepting raise of temperature above 2 dgrees Ceøsius pluss above nrmal. This is terrorism against humanity because the risks by the knowledge we have is total destruction of world society inclding a 5m raise of nsea level, loss of the Gulf stream, loss of oxygen production at sea where 50% of the oxygen production is dependent on streams feeding the process from the bottom of the sea. CO2 concentration is also a risk of oxygen production owing to accid effect on the ocean.. The situation is that if the greenhouse gass concentration is a "thermostate" regulating temperature, dependent on the temoperature in the sea, as Scandinavias hot temperature depends on the Gulf stream. It is like comming home, it is cold, you turn on electrical heating regulated by a "thermostate" adjusting the temperature to your choice of 12 degrees higher. Temperature rise have just started, 0,8 degrees pluss, but the thermostate is set, the raise is comming up 12 degrees C, it is just a mater of time. The present greenhouse gas concentration is allready therre, representing in tgis analogy, a much higher temperature than registered. Wheter we pollute or not, the probmlem of pluss 5 degrees Celsius probably is comming, is allready set as a balance existing, it just take time to heat the deep ocean and melt the ice, as a million sq km and more of ice cubes have cooled the surface of the water. The 50 top m of the ocean is heated enough to melt all the ice ad the imbalances is such thas a phasetransition or sudden change giving colapse of world economy as a start, stoping possibilities of respons, and damage of world society probably beyond repair in the frst generation. Our Common Word Defence have a strategy, if it is not too late, which may work if most people stop leavinbg responsibility to those organisaions which have damaged the world and joins in the defense! Taking the risk, not joining our defence is like playing Russian Roulette with he future of mankind, which is terrorism aganst humanity! We may expect people to join in trying to pay their depth as most is responsible for CO2 pollution not cleened up! Using so much of the incomming heating from the sun producing clean solar energy and fresh water for farms and forests to be produced to "eat" CO2 is part of the plan, including by climate ships create clouds, stoping the heaing of the sea. Since we saed that we probably have passed 2 degrees accepted limmit allready, only the smog of pollution represents 1 degree scientists have calculated, giving verification to clouds as a solution and the Gulf srem is found 2 degrees hotter than the last 2000 years. Scientist have every year sated it is a accelerating problem and they do not know why, what we probably here have explained! Det er åpenbart at ved kombinasjoner av uhell kanskje ved blanding av vann at gulfstrømmens økte temperatur vil kunne gjøre den lettere slik at den ikke synker, kanskje ved periode ved lite fordampning. Det er å anta at kalking av havet som en start er en god ide fordi forsurningen er alvorlig risiko. Vi har innsamlingsaksjon for dette, og håper å finne kalkilder under vann og kanskje ved sprengning og drilling man kan frigjøre pulveriset kalk g ved rør før det ut i havstrømmer! Det er som med kreft, den kan være ondarte og en dør fort, verdenssamfunnet kan kolapse ved endringer som ikke er utenkelige. Et fly er avansert og om man fjerner en skrue vil det fortsatt kunne fly, men hvor meget kan fjernes eller ødelegges før flytet faller ned og hvilke deler. Miljøet ødelegges ekstremt hele tiden og desverre vi må innrømme at vi vet ikke når eller om systemene kollapser. Russisk roulette med framtidem, unskyld Russland for å nytte begrepet, er ikke akseptabelt og folk må gå sammen å ta og dele ansvar for endringer og innrømme at vi har unntakstilstand inntil global integritet ernærmere, det er som krig. Fienden er folk som overlater ansvaret til de krefter og organiseringer som har ødelgt verden og som fortsetter med det mot beddre viende.

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