Invitation to cities as Londom, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo, Clacutta, Stockholm, Oslo, Wahington DC, all with environmental frendly aspiration. The Climate Fund of Integrated Growth welcomes these and all cities to offer cooperation for a new airport and floating airfield and if the ship 1008m wide is to big to come close to the city 108m wide is possible or 252m wide and if there is no harbourg a flying airfield may be possible. We seek acceptance from the authorities to operate an international airport with embasy status for electrical planes which are no risk as a bomb as by 9/11 as accidents also nor a noise problem. Experts says electrical engines may easily and with better qualities go into existent plains in stead of oil engines. However, we have a new type of plains, too, not as fast as the fastest today, but more safe and time won by landing in or close to the city. Trondheim and Bergen city are invited to give cooperation, allreasdy and this general invitation to all governments and cities, we hope to promote directly fast. It is a great joy to state that these plains also can take railway positions, flying above a flat wagon on the track moving extremly fast, hanging by a string after avoiding G forces in the air. A train of plains in the air have the last one leave at first station! The plain can land and take of as a helicopter. For long distances we plan tube transport by vacuum tubes and speed 4000 km an hour driven by energy produced and stored at sea for a cross the Atlantic sea London New York 2 hours for instance. We may add speed to the smaller plains as well. We hope the plains are possible to build within a week when all acceptance are given and the stock companies esablished. Regular climate ships as presented or smaller once.
The climate airport is for cities close to the sea where a climate city and ship may be with its 2 1800 long and 60m wide airstripes landing for any passengerplain. VIP airport, airport for very important people, is for plains polluting with CO2 investing as much in the airport businesses to reduce CO2 that the balance is achieved within a year, and when this is comming to producing forests and farms in desserts "eating CO2"... it is good for the future. The airport may be closer to the city and sail even closer the 20 minuts therafer where passangers as taken into city by zeppeliners or new flying technology taking off and landing as a helicopter. If international visitors they may enjoy htels and staying in international area of they city, no bagage to pass custom. SAS and the passenger company Norwegean is welcomed to join in one of the 1008 stock company for 3 ships as a start by Bergen, Trondheim and Oslo. The real environmental friendly perspectiv is new plains by our new technology not using oil at all, being better transport as well, but may cost a litle more! As a start companies having polluted for years and decades perhaps is welcome to invest as much as needed to compensate for all pollution of CO2 by mentined opportunity. Companies to be established may include airport service as part of business straegy for raising more money to produce green growing CO2 consumers! It is supposed to be a good buisness and companies wanting to go into the new stock companies with more than money is welcome to ensure the business succsess of integrated growth companies by the climate fund standardized program.

We invite cities as London, New York, Tokyo etc. to support establish a local project and we should need land for a triumphal arch landing place for the zeppeliner or our communication plain to and from the city ,
It is a great joy to invite one and all to join in investing time, money and other values as land into a stock company establishing a climate ship building project. Those who hav pollted by plain travelling in the past may see it as an opportunity to clean up their CO2 pollution investing enough to balance it within a year! A complete strategy exist, we have just mentioned the main technique!
A floating climate ship and city with an 1800m long and 60 m wide airfield and and airport is travelling slowly around and to and from the city where people is ging by plain. Therefor the ship is also good for permanent residence working or studying in the cty perhaps, or the floating city may be both university and have work. For this purpose 2016 houses may be reserved by 1008 stock companies, each disposing 2 houses. Each house 9mx9m with 4 levels and 3m to nex house on all sides. Possible 2 levels with 8 sleeping rooms and 2 levels asa living room, also excelent for a family, smaller group, one person with servants as luxery house. 16 000 rooms with wlw year timeshare ownership expeced cost 240 000 kr, represent a perfect investment for a student, which may hire the room out by festivals, congresses or as hoel room for travvelers.
Here the squares is 36mx36m taking 9 such houses. One airfield and the centre dome is without such houses even though the houses may be built below the airfield, too! 3m easy to bridge when airfields is used!
The new floating airport may be close to the centre of large cities with electrical plains with many small engines, so it is easy to build the planes and transport persons as before but with less vibrations from engines and no noise or laoud sounds unsuitable for the city! Our plane may be built in different sizes from 7,2m with 24 seats to extremly large owing to construction frame based on the yantra, too! The ability to lift and land as a helicopter is good, too, even though 1800m long airfields 60m wide is good, as any passanger plane may land, one may take the ship out if there is vip planes compensating oil use by investments. We seek persons interested in investing, as well as governments and organisations, businesses etc. the plane is smart, a combinations of known techniques and aerodynamical adjustments. and even just old 1950 know how may give good planes, however, we do have some adjustments on top of the old and by flying high, falling down fast be able to reach higher speed than small electrical engines may give. The climateship balloons may be elevators lifting the plain high even before start as 12 km! Our 7,2m long plain with 24 small single coupees may be put together as a train of plains travelling long distance and gain aerodynamic less residence by the train union!
As climateship is good to remove the extreme pollution from transport ships, about 50 000 of them, today's plains is extreme polluting the world, so building the infrastructure for electrical plains is a good idea and our approach is the best. We welcome all ships with a harbourg or closeness to the sea or big lakes to communicate interest. All in the businesses may cooperate with us for the tranformation and go into the new environmental friendly world as those running the business together with the climate fund. If all starts togther, most cities in the world, we may by standardiced program enjoy the full value of mass production, too! Above presented ship with to airfields 1800m long may no go well everywhere being 1008m wide, however, smaler floating airfieds s possible both with 1800m or longer airfields and smaler for the passanger plains of ours by electrical engines, hre the length needed is not found but owing to technical advantags we hope to need much shorter fields, even when the plain is much longer and larger than todays plains, not only because of the ability to levitate as helicopter!
Every ship should have one of 1008 stock companies doing electrcal plains and we welcome investors to communicate interests by present building projects or by establising a new building project of a floating city.
There is competetion program for citis to build one first, and 2 and several cities may enjoy having the first competetion, ungoing global tournament!