truth alone triumph says veda according to often used reference by he government of India, the "Indian" architecture of the triumphal arch...

it is a great joy to welcome universities, cities and all with siuable land to offer cooperation for building the climate university riumphal arch as a sea for he universiy and with business vegearian buffe and offices, where one in coupes 3m and about 1m wide can wihdraw o sleep, enjoy dinner or enjoy an office or all 3 with a cellar wih bath rooms and boxes for storage for touriss and ohers by inexpensive prices. When most cities need it to be civilized so to say, we hope cities and universities invest land and resourches to build one in a stock company. Above streets and avenues is a good idea wih 10 or 6m inbetween the building and the stree and may even be used to pass above and over he street as well. Perhaps as usual as buss stops by flying communicaion is natural for cities but one as a sart...

The arch ball has a diameer of 27m which is higth too when 10 between he centre building which is 6m tall when the cubic frame has sides 18m and the circle around diameer 27m The ball is what one pass under with the shri yantra pyramid archiecture and by size diameer 18m the building in cenre is 4m tall. Elevators from corner to corner outside the ring and going under ground perhaps, at leas possible by one of the 2 alternative hights by bottom frame, here 4 m between buiilding and street or about 6,5m or 6m and 10m when diameter is 27m. It is also supposed to be airport or landing for communicaion between the ship and the city, rayantra and ship architecture: The square 18mx18m of the 6m tall building should have sides south, west, east, north according to the rules of the classic archiecture!

alternative dome building on the ship is developed as triumphal arch, too
here is the riumphal arch seen from the side with 10m between the ground and building held up as a hanging bridge diameer may be 27m or 18m or much larger but not smaller than 9m.

here is he front of the arch with a ring marking the 2 direction s of travelling under giving about 8m wide opening in both directions
Here is he arch seen from above with 4 rings marking the ball arch and the laying ring around the building and in the midle of the higth of the building, the square is 18mx18m when diameter is 27m

Alternative where the disance between the building and he road or avenue when diameer is 27m is 6m, but the higth of the building still is 27m by he fun flag mast!
