  ra-yantra all seeing eya mediation

Third all seeing meditation just as yoga asanas may be just healthy activity as sport. The yantra in perspective of Vedic understanding by values of the creation of the universe close to quantum physics as transcendental pure intelligence may be like the vacuum state. The meditation may purely be exercising the side vision and ability to focus attention and at the same time be aware of the whole, but both yantra and meditation may be said to be restoring Vedic values partly forgotten.Third all seeing meditation just as yoga asanas may be just healthy activity as sport.

A book about the Universitas Yantra of Global Integrity is published and available:

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is telling about transcending by transcendental meditation but also related to more universal Bhagavad-Gita. As an first introduction he says one uses the thought process to transcend, as the though begins in the transcendental pure consciousness as a bobble start from the bottom of the sea and grows bigger and bigger unto it come up in the consciousness as a thought one is aware of.. When transcending by mantra meditation one uses a thought, a mantra to experience finer levels of the thinking and finally transcends the thought experiencing restful alertness of pure consciousness. In our meditation we are not transcending on the sound of a mantra, but on the sight of the yantra, experiencing transcendental pure intelligence. But the bobble idea of Maharishi is well illustrated by the mandala yantra. Maharishi also says there are seven states of consciousness and those may be represented by the seven chakra points in the body. It is sleeping, dreaming, normal consciousness of wakefulness, transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness where transcendental consciousness is established together with the 3 first experienced as witnessing beyond, god consciousness where one experience more and more union by the transcendental values of the world and unity consciousness where union with the world is experienced. The 2 chakras above is further development of union with the world more as the whole world at the same time, value of focusing attention and being aware of the whole at the same time, which is yantra meditation, and established union with the whole world.

Anand (Rajananand Dhananjaya)

The oldest known yantra is said to be
found in the Shankaracharya seat east in India, but when it is possible to sea it as the penthouse fort and palace Stapthya Veda architecture of pyramids as Cheops, it may be more than 5000 years old, our new yantra seems to be the realization of the inner intelligence of the drawing and may therefore be the oldest, other versions more as 5000 year old bad memory the creation of the universe is related to the yantra and said to be by the transcendental pure being, the unman fest becoming aware of itself, as the knower, known, process of knowing relationship by union of transcendental consciousness

the 9 chakras of the body by the 9 triangles is team of
advanced unity consciousness meditation

Maha Laksmi meditation is possible.
Laksmi is standing in a Lotus by images
The 7th and top chakra in the body is the lotus chakra.
The 2 chakras above the head may be seen as wireless network antennas, it is not Laksmi standing in your head we suggest,- mediation is about
getting in harmony with the laws of nature associated with Laksmi by the 3 top communication centres or chakras. Getting in harmony with the laws of nature of prosperity also relates to the Sanskrit word for wealth: artha, and the opposite of artha is not poverty but anartha, more like dirty money . In today’s world-economy where 50 000 children dies every day according to statistic of poverty, it is difficult to be wealthy, as ones money may have a bad karma influence, being anartha the opposite of true wealth.

World-economy represents also risks of the destruction of our entire world society owing to pollution and climate change. Our climate fund of Integrated Growth have a solutions by the climate ship operation and the pyramid architecture is in our climate ship as presented here we want to build a 108 000 such ships corresponding to what I takes to balance balancing global warming and as the world also need to produce abundance of pure energy, fresh water, and transport of fresh water for food production, which here my be by-product of realizing the infrastructure of global integrity!
Organising integrated growth making most people rich by pure artha standards, is part of the solution, so lets enjoy one more group meditation:

it is a great joy wishing one and all growing waves of progress, achievements, fulfilment and celebration around the year, around the world.
a short version of the above planned opening of a movie picture was given at a Diwali celebration in Norway), therefore the Mahalakshmi approach is included,

Lakshmi is the goddess associated with prosperity. Our enterprise is non religious, but many aspects of Indian philosophy may be considered as scientific values and the lecture was personal, not representing the enterprise.
The other image with logo was also showed on the screen and owing to time limit and to many meanings concentrated in the above prepared written presentation, written for and before the meeting. hey liked the idea of the fulfilment of the ancient yantra, which is a sensation, as a part of the celebration!

(a short version of the above was the about 10minuts intrduction of the ”nw” yantra).

Jai Yogi Mahesh
I am educated a teacher of transcendental meditation, but are not into his movement as transcendental yoga meditation is my own development. I have heard Maharishi giving a long lecture about he creation of the universe and drawing a circle at the same time. My revitalization of the yantra seems important, it is important in many ways and popular as also the dollar bill have a pyramid and all seeing eye. My presentation may easily be considered as interesting philosophy and more subtle than the big bang theory. Outside the enterprise a mediation society is established, only one initiation in advanced mediation so far though! Yantra means instrument of liberation from Sanskrit and by our realization is the Global Integrity logo, the enterprise is not involved in alternative understanding of the creation of the universe from the beginning, whether big bang or above is first, just registering that big bang is not more verified than the other and that the yantra on screen, come after picture of fireworks during the celebration.
All seeing eye or third eye is like the side view or ability to see outside he focus of he eye, is not from our point of view associated with anything else than a human ability to see. As an opening o our movie picture it plays on he role of he enjoyer of a picture as a witness, which is one level of self-realization seeing he world as a witness, as an enlightened. or self realized. Anand being first probably in the last 5000 years to have realized correlation of the triangles by he inner intelligence of the yantra,, the pure potentiality, did so by finding the relationship between the square mandala and the circles- then he 9 triangles was adopted to that.. It seems like an achievement of millennium perspective, while he popular yanra have been tried realized as perfect drawing by many and is inner intelligence is universal found in many aspects of life! As our Global Integrity Logo it also serves as our Flag of World Union by our World Constitution of Global Integrity!
- Anand
The pyramid architecture is that of brilliant defence as a fort, like defence of an army and psycho-physiological constitution of man by the chakras of he body. It is interesting by perfect defence as a fort that the mediation experience or state of transcendental consciousness, was the advice of Krishna to Arjuna in he battlefield, before the war started. Arjuna was in doubt starting all the killing of the war and the advice given was yoga stah kuru karmani, established in being,(( all seeing eye experience), perform action. Its is brilliant correlated world history by archaeological proofs, share he experience

By Anand's GGG eSubscription a poster for the meditation may be ordered, free by mail,(several subscriptions available, free poster by mail (you may then print a few) )covered by the one costing 108 NOK and also free by the one costing 1008 NOK included books and magazines as well as the 4 newsletters of the one costing 108 NOK) and by covering of costs we may send you a printed poster A4- A1.

The eSubscription also gives program for the ongoing Ra-yantra pyramid architecture congress and by cooperation we may add a date and an arrangement by going together. TV programs, magazines, universities etc. may also like the opportunity and covering of costs including natural payments to those lecturing.

Please, be free to apply for the eSubscription by sending the fee, name and address to the following account, and when paid, an email referring to the payment to the following email dress!

Rajananand Dhananjaya

P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway

Global Integrity Research Scientist


Personal account 0532.1667831

We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.


Rajananand Dhananjaya / Stein Roar Andersen before 2004, presented the dome of peace allready by our Book of Peace in 1986, 10 000 copies, many well received around the world:

The goal of the ongoing congress is to realize a building project of the ship with a pyramid with the size of Cheops! as a pyramid university.

Rajananand Dhananjaya / Stein Roar Andersen before 2004, presented the dome of peace already by our Book of Peace in 1986, 10 000 copies, many well received around the world:

When by yantra third all seeing eye meditation the creation of the universe. constitution of the universe may be said according to Vedic philosophy to be revitalized by Anand, why is it Anand has accomplished what so many others has been looking for, the perfect organisation of the inner intelligence of the yantra? Anand of course have studied the Veda and Vedic architecture and had developed the relationship between the circle and the square even before the 9 triangles was included in the logo or flag of world union. Maha Lakshmi Society was established in Year Ahimsa, years before the Lakshmi meditation by the yantra was formulated. But the extraordinary skills and years of study may not be enough, perhaps his Vedic astrology conference with 2 from India visiting Trondheim, revealed what it takes, a 3 dosha constitution, where the balance is there in the psycho-physiological constitution. After all a triangle may represent the 3 doshas and 9 the possible combinations and balancing the doshas is tuning in the picture on the TV a combination of health correlated as precisely as the triangles of the yantra, where the 9 also may be said to represent the chakras of the body. A three dosha prakriti or constitution is known to be rare or extraordinary

At  a "NTNU university" Indian cultural meeting by about a 100 Indian students, representatives from the university and others and by the annual Diwali celebration, November 2010, presented

Lets enjoy a yantra third eye experience group meditation, relax and enjoy a meditation may just be contemplation or the experience its about the 9 triangles within the circle, about focusing attention and being aware of the whole, at the same time.

Look in the centre of the yantra, and have your attention in the forehead, attention of the whole yantra, be one with the yantra, experience the underlying transcendental union in between seeing the centre at the same time by forehead attention being aware of the whole!

The Union of our World Experience is based on the yantra, the drawing without chakra indicators, but the inner intelligence of the yantra found and verified by the coherence and integrity of the drawing, the self-referral eureka. The inner intelligence of the yantra is universal and seems to represents pattern found in creation or our life’s in many ways, as the oxygen atom is found in water, air, and may other places as well. Patterns of intelligence often is found many places as the physiology of man, correspond to the creation of the world as availability of oxygen in air and water and same patterns found in most animals, too. The yantra represents some of the most fundamental and universal or basic patterns of our life, as creation is built on the 5 elements of water, air, space earth and fire. These and the 3 dosha combinations may be found in the yantra too, but the universal relationship between the observer, the observed and the process of observation from Vedic understanding with the transcendental pure intelligence as the underlying union is what is enjoyed as the union of our world experience. Higher state of consciousness and human development may enjoy union with the whole world as an experience, but finding this experience in union with the yantra, is good practice or third, all seeing eye meditation. It is interesting that the yantra may represent Meru the mythical mountain by the magnetic field of earth and represent pyramid architecture as the top of 9 triangles is like the Cheops pyramid and the square indicates the penthouse palace and castle with the pyramid as defence organisation with stairs and building going around the pyramid sides as if you see centre of yantra as the top of the pyramid with  circle defence as well. Being the logo of global integrity representing our common world defence, this is interesting as well as from the point of view of archaeology. The experience of meditation is best given by a qualified teacher personally, but presentations are prepared by an A3 poster, 2 pages possible to post order, and by film aid, explaining the meditation, too, and how the yantra works so to say. Advanced meditation includes chakra contemplation, but the exercise which is universal all seeing eye meditation, is simple and without associations with mysteries of India, so to say. The side view, that you see with out directly looking at it, is the all seeing eye experience growth potential so to say in the language of physical exercise of the ability to see and be one with the surroundings. How We Won the World film festival planes to open each film with the yantra and group meditation. The Royal Position of Rajananand, upholding the enterprise unto world democracy takes democratic control by world constitution, takes advice from ancient authorities referred in Mahabharata as well, where the king is advised to welcome the rich and fortunate to share the expenditure in the interest of the people, one and all. New Fundamental Global Order is non political adding global integrity t the world and not competing with UN r national governments. We enjoy good communication with UN and respect their noble aspirations within the limits of national governments their represents. We want to establish a united world based on the union f the people f the world and a few common interests. It is more difficult today  being rich and fortunate, black money may be most unfortunate with dirty world economy , but... Union of World Organisation UW relates to UN without competition
Besides seeking the rich and fortunate, those who can contribute to this our fund raising campaign and share the expenditure of building the infrastructure of global integrity as perfect as the yantra, we seek the richness of youth, health and brave young people to join in as fundraisers, and those without independent means may enjoy income opportunities within 10% also to cover expenditure of the campaign and network building.
We shall be grateful to hear from one and all, all welcome to join the fundraising campaign to raise at least as much as 1 billion US dollar in order also to build the first climate ship, floating city and new nation. It is a great joy to welcome one and all to contribute to the global integrity fund raising campaign, to consider their natural responsibility for the world as a whole by ordering an eSubscription and to enjoy the opportunities within the science of wholeness enterprise.


There is more than a decade ago we had first initiation into advanced chakra meditation, however, we do not have any experience with large numbers practising the meditation, so we do not if it works well for all. The yantra meditation however, even being an eye practice as well as excersise training the ability of the all seeing eye, seing the whole while focusing attention, seems to work well as a mditation for one and all, where only a yantra is needed and the rigth approach of course! A yantra poster is available by eSubscription with 4 quarterly newsletters including what to do!

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