We welcome newspapers and radio or tv to start the discussion and pay us to participate in the debate, is it possible to build an inexpensibel solution to climate change, some thausend climate ships as good business in themselfes as well.
We welcome universities and experts to communicate with us doupt or solutions possible to integrate and consideration about our preliminary calculation based on expert advice!
We shall be grateful to receive inerest in arrenging lectures and congresses discussing this and aspecs of the climate campaign.
How practical is our common world defense comming to actually balancing and normalizing climae change?
It seems like the one and only complete soluttion, if we are not too late! Balanacing the heat and CO2 polution in he world ocean, is a start with following up reversing the exreme imbalance.
Expert advice considering the updraft tower effect at sea by some thausen ship, is that if they are tall enough, good clouds may be produced and by our own calculation a temperature difference up and down by 4 km for instance gives energy by itself letting out hot air from the oceans surface, too. We should not relay on this solution and be extremly careful not to produce new problems. But clouds above the ocean more than 3 million sq km f course woud effec the temperature balance satisfactory reducing temperature. Several techniques may be combined, but as a start just to balance to stop the bad development from becomming worse, this may be said to be a technique orginally developed for the climate fund.
All together this is what to do as soon as possible and for people going together dong what it takes, our common world defence with democratic control by world constitution, is it it. The one and only defence. Not being involved is doing ones part or duty, otherwise one is involved as a terrorist against mankind.
How practical is possibly the biggest man made operation?
Building 108000 climate ships producing 12 times the energy the world uses today and extreme amounts of fresh water balancing climate chang and world poverty making dessers green, is planned as the biggest operation ever. Bigger than D day or world war 2, flying to the moon, , or building all the cars in he world. Of course it is not a structured strategy to combat climate change in order to be big, it is jus meassured what it akes to give balance to the man made problem. Is a brillant combinations solving many problems and easy to inegrae in world progress as beter sollutions than allready existinbg. Of course decdes og systematic activities hve created the problem, so balancing the effect og heat and CO2 first and slowly building up reversal of climate change and a better world during a few decades, is the plan. Governments may assist by taxing oil energy and allowing TAXFREE SALE OF THE ENERGY PRODUCED AT SEA AS WELL AS THE TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS OF TRANSPORT USING PURE ENERGY. But most important a global democracy upholding democratic controll and sharing of produced values, as free food to all, free energy and free a minimum income. Governmens may get some energy for free for own use and for sale to busineeses agianst som free land and harbourgs as globl land.. il companies may produce all the platic needed and run operations of business of ours. If we take the oilindustry money twice, we may give one billion jobs on the 100 000 ships and farms a land, 10 000 persons on each ship for transport, hotels, fabrics, universities, cruises etc. as well as production and transport of energy and water. There are free compeetion within the enterprise and stock companis of the ships, and we do not think anyone wants to promote isolaed growth, when better opportunities is within the enterprise and climate fund.
How about the ship?
Is it possible to build 2 km long, 1 km wide etc.?
Yes of course, but if it also is best solution in the world, is difficult to say. The present with a concrete based ship is based on expert advice with parrall concrete walls every 4m 40 cm tick. Such a ship easiloy is prduced, gives the wegth to hold the balloons down and sability at sea. If it is pracical as a ship or based on slow food raher than fast food, so to say is not tesed. Huge sailship organisations of course works, but hopefully the ship laying 3-4m deep into the sea may surfe at high speed, too. But if not the fastest cruise ship, it sill serve its values as a climate ship. Or is the updraft tower several km tall posible to build? Our solution is based on expert advice, a alluminium balloon with 9 cm tick surface may uphold vacxuum inside, and therefor wih a dimaer 1008m lift several hundred thausen ton pluss its own weigth. Our surface have 3 layers supporting each other and 28m tick with the inner cionstruction supporting with a frame as the ra yantra. Anyhow our paent of lifting an updraft tower with balloons should make it possible to raise 2 km or more as one 1 km all are existing on land. Our solution with a square frame and adaption to wind with windenergy production and solar collecors producing steam from salt water added the updraft tower, seems to meet many challenges to work and be produced. But basically it should be easy if a good interdiciplinary team of experts go together using the best of maerials, echnology and know how, afer all it is a simple organisation known o work and easy to produce in smaler variations, that is a balloon lifting and lenses producing solar energy. It is simple organisations known o work just organised in a new creativ patent of the climae fund. As the ship, the only question is how many engines is needed in order to control the ship in any weather or conditions. The economy is good for producing a floaing city environmenal friendly with practical solutons better than otyher small cities. The 2 airfield takes any passanger plain of today including jumboyet being more than 18000m long and 60 m wide. Howeve, more likly landing for our own plains, t least on one, landing as helcopters is natural. Bth plains and submariemes should be able to evacute all, if needed, bot with a ship based on concrete rooms 4mx4m sinking is not possible, such damage is not thinkable. But of cours experts should go through and stregthen the general ship by steel and oher means to take monser waves or any situation, being big and flat and thin, 4m tall + buildings on top. 2016 12mx12m 3 levels is possible and the pyramid ra yantra building with university and city area! It is most interesting for young people to join in and travelling around the world as a student, working 2 hours a day to enjoy free housing and meals and studies at the city university, my be attractive and gving the crew of a cruise for professors and others participating in congresses and festivals and cruise around the world, is a pracitcal organisation.
Of course the messures of action gives real effect balancing climate chage satisfacory by a combinations of action needed to be implementet, now! Our Common World Defense Congratulate you, you have a mission!
Meterologists have commented the updraft tower solution, experts have calculated the ship construction and the huge balloon and Anand himself have developed the construction and organisation of the ship, wih many technological challenges not solved, but many known solutions exists with much experience. So we needs experts to adapt and find best technology and maerials, but the challange is no problem, except from the point of view of economy and mass production..
However, inexpensiv solutions exists for just producing a ship and floating city wih the technology to balance glovbal warming and produce fresh waer and energy at the same time, The ship uses energy and fresh wtaer but may produce both for itself and for sale and as a god profiable business, too or 1008 businesses at each ship.
As the real probllem of the world is that most people is not yet joined in Our Common World Defence we must say, do not become further involved in terrorism against humaniy, join, now, as all it takes for the world to go down is that good men do nothing, ignoring their natural duty or universal dharma, universias dharma.