  our common world defense and world war 3

our common world defense and world war 3

world war 3 is as real as world war 2, the Holocaust of today,by statistic of poverty is worse, as 50 000 children  isdying every day.the terrorism against humanity and systematic damage of the foundaions of living a healthy and easy life, is real and based on the mentality of the people of the world, the social charckter structure of those with money and positions of power. Many like driving a car enjoying the power o damage the world and seek young people to beg them to stop doing wrong. The mentality is exploitation of people, young people should give them more power by politics, sex and work for them by the economic sysem. Erick From analyzed the development of the mentality of World War 2 in Germany and presented it by books like Escape Freedom.  World War 3 has same mentality, but it is international as UN climate panel is a excuse for not doing something and as Oxford scientists said the problem was identified in 1999, still he world siciety polutes more today than in 1999. The risks of climate change represents possibilties of total damage of the world, but leaders of the world and car owners seem to be only interesed in how it makes them important at the cost of others, the young, healhy and beatiful, as old age is not what one wants to be associated with. Even environmental organisations and scientists are into the question by 2 interests, money and nachspiel party. Of course all mixed with serious conserns, afer all the thetaer must be good. and mixuere of good and bad is the world. Yes, it is not easy to discuss these questions, one may be attacked, after all car druvers are many and many wants to enjoy a car, achieved by adjustment o the system. This is however most important, because it is the problem as UN climate panel says, it is manmade and we says uphold by people, the problem. It is no problem building a rich world for everyone, technically, but people being nobody of real positions in society not, needs to be rich on others costs or being better than others. This poverty of the spirit is the poverty of the world, the terrorism against humanity. Our foundaion is based on tha leaders should not interfere with public or a man giving a lecture not rying to seek sex. We strrongly advice people not to have social contact with leaders, not to entertain the mentality of exploitation. It is typical, not an accident, when Al Gore had a TV program seen by more than a billion it is said, saying do this for the environment anddo that, and have more sex. It is so typical that he even go the Nobel Peace price! It is he mentality of the world which is the problem, we have the solution, but it is ignored, hose out to be popular and importan may even see it as "bad" compeetion, because it is good!  A ntnu university meeting in a student society discussed terrorism and I asked he professor elling what cathergories of terrorism there is, if there is not a new form of terrorism, world war 3 terrorism. I made the point that cvlimate change is terrorism against humanity as nazis was excused for crime against humanity and that the terrorism was related to groups as political parties and governments, holding people and the world ransom, or dependent on them risking the destruction of the world. I made the point  that these was groups of people abusing their position n he nation trying to be portant on others costs. he professor communicaed sympathy wih idea so to say, but said no. We talked after the meeting in the resturant and he seemed to be blind for thae military power of a government, not relating to the people as supreme power asd by principle of democracy. He had read Escape Freedom he said on request and agreed that the nazi party was terrorist before they occupafd the nation, and then seen from outside, hey of course was errorists after election too,, abusing the statepowers, but a separate group. I suggested that his professor salery was reason not for seeing or wanting to see he role of modern terrorism against humanity. he world is as India when Gandhi protested, tyhen there are many governments of naions with terrorist groups organising the same patern of exploitation. The situation in the world is as whent itanic was on the way o hit the iceberg, as the world is hitting melting ice as a problem, with one difference, the capain and crew is awere of the problem, but do not do anything, saying we want more money and pover, importance or sex, oherwise we is going down. his terrorism is even by American movies presened as the one million group and winners of protection, rich and proeced and reason for a young girl to marry to escape. It is pretty much how society is run by poverty, youth must obey otherwise they are hi tby poverty!  The risk is also much like being hit by a rock from ouer space, it is by inelectual  approach possible to say that i no at all unthinkable that the rock hit us and destryes most of the life on earth, he one and only defence is found, but no one cares, they may think i unlikely to happen or is in no position to be brave, resourchful or defining boh problem and solution. Our Common World Defence solution is what we need to do anyhow, producing aboundant of pure energy and ways to use it, much more food and fresh waer and transpor, etc. in a combination as pefectly correlated as the ya rantra, see drawing.The indifference of most people knowing s here par of the mentality and everyone must figth themself winning values of global integrity as part of personal integrity. Personal integrity is as health, good exercise improves well being anfd health- Our common world defense organising healthyy patterns and giving people real positions in the world even may remove anxiety, shame ad seeking to be better han others rather somebody oneself, and have therefor he power o save the world as it represens the practical soluion as well, the one ad only common world defense of ours.  By our global non political world democracy, the global voice of conscience, we say: One  and All for Global Integrity!

How We Won the World OK
is the theme of our filmfestival to lift the spirit of the world. Are you ready to take a small step, people together in a giant leap for mankind, and no waste of money reaching the moon, it is winning our lost world which is the serious : one and all together for peace and global integrity!

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