  sea level and temperature
If by CO2 discussion the temperature is higher than meassured the temperature of he ocean may correspond by just one degree perhaps difference, to a sea level rise of 6 m as a start. Scienist have found by that temperature earlier the sea level was 6m higher. There have been meassures of the top 50 m of the world ocean telling that the new temperature may take exreme amouns of ice and these days temperature is meassured in deeper sea as well, wihout results yet. If it is only 1% risk, then we can not accept the risk which by the instable inernational life, may end up with cathastrophes worse than a nucluer or ayomic war. It is no unthinkable and logical by known data hat it may happen soon but the risk may be less than 50% It is like cancer, is i good or bad in this relationship.
I is obvious like Larsen B that exreme weaher with rain cutting up the ice may give raise to 3m of sea level fast, and then give new leels of rise by ice hit by pressure of Archimedes law, but here we discuss the effect of temperature of the sea, which is melting ice from below as well, and threre are found areas which may as Larsen B, the huge ice island melting in only 2 weeks, melt fast by temperature rise. It is only the top 100m which is hot or below there is a more stable low temperaure around 4 degrees celsius,. Of curse if temperature is higer on top, probably emperature in the bottom is effected a little as well. But he logic that i akes time o hea he bottom if this was for nly 100m applies as well, temperaure rise is dependen on he sea emperaure Scandinavians know, depending on the hot Gulf stream. his huge seam going around he world acctualy takes hot waer down below the top 100m and as hot waer rises when mixed with cold waer, hen large sreams goes up and down, less and less cooling effect on the top 100m of he ocean is there, and phase transition by local accumulations of hea, may disturbe he Gulfsream and production of oxygen in the world ocean as may CO2 pollution. It is like playing chess with a huge imbance which suddenly may be taken out as chess mate, we can not afford to loose his game, or world war 3. Perhaps it is more like a game of go, where the computer is far from able to calculate the entire game, where in chess the computer may. Computer programs calculating such weather changes has been used for decades all over the world trying to register climate change, and year afer year scientists do not understand, the accelerating changes is comming faster than expeced. This may very well be precicly because the accumulaed problem is allready here, the greenhiuse gas concentration allready is a problem beyond the tipping point which perhaps was las millenium. he increasing of he heating of the sea by the lach of some 5 million sq km of ice not reflecing the suns heaing any more, the extra heating because of greenhouse gasses, the accumulation of heat in the ocean and the cooling of extreme amounts of ice which have melted, represens a problem probably which allready is accumulaed, but not registered by sealevel and temperaure rise, because of  temperary slowing down of the change which it just  is a mater of time before resulting in the phase transition, a sudden change and end of the world as we know it! Accepting such a risk is terrorism against humanity and our world and the problem is that people leave responsibility to others as governmens, which even accepts CO2 pollution for fun, as people on holiday wih their boas. There by our common world defense, people, you and me, each and every one, mus ake responsibiliy, and not for recicling paper. A huge global operation by systematic cooperation, one and all for global integriy, is needed and initiaed as our common world defense. Join in, now! Of course the balance between CO2 and temperature is known o go hand in hand together with amount of ice stored and wha has happened is ha CO2 have raised ad a concntraion, so fast that emperaure have no followed on he meassures, as i takes time to heat he deep oceans, i akes time to melt the ice around he poles, but when as expected the temperure balance is ready it may happen fast, as by huge part of the ice enough to raise sealevel a lot by weeks, just as Larsen B, the ice wih the size of Franse, gone in 2 weeks.
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