  The climate ship competetion

The latest version of the for the compeetion is adjused to Norwegian rules for airfields, suggestion the plains going under centre building was not acceped for a Norwegian airfield, so no we have 3 airfields also the 2 new 1800m long and 60m wide or more! We hope the Norwegian authorities approve!

We have established a competetion between the cities of Trondheim and Bergen, but only suggested one between Mumbai and LA, Hollywood and Bollywood including presenting for competetion a film aid festival moviepicture, the competetion is to build first a ship 2016m long with an airport 1800m long, even air force one can land. The ship compewetion includes 20 000 appartments or studio flats and a 3 km long hall 12-36n wide and the climate universiy building and 108 palaces for the 108 minisries of the ship as a new country In boh competweion with need a competetion general in both competing cities to start. and the competetion to become he general and the President of the logistic sock company of the ship with profesional assisanse from 4 others as the secretary in general, accounant and positions defined by law, a leas in Norway. First to have found a eam of 5 where he 4 ohers has found 4 each in the 4-16-64 ... campaign of our global voice of conscience, gets he position, but may compete about the position laer or one of he 108 minister positions. he winner by realization of the ship achieves a studio fla 12 years timeshare ownership, bu the winner by the winning city, gets a larger appartment, and rules of timeshare for he general's team up to 64 we plan o documen before iniiaion by he 2 generals. When we have a complete campaign program for student and or pupils, schools and classes, even a child geing his class or 4 others wih him, may win he general position, as the stock company is wih law organised later A billionair,, president of a university or anyone may compete about he first general position. It is great joy to welcome one and all to join in such competeions and where paricipants as cities may be suggested, we also welcome ciie, universities, organisaions etc. to establish a compewetion, as we plan.a competeion between go players and chess players to esablish a ship with a chess and go university for the game and to promote growh of abiliy to combine by multidiciplinary challenges and a world championship of rengo and chess 9x9 and network building combined wih pyramid business to uphold the economy of the stah go and stah chess world championship and chess university and go universiy climateship competion. The 1008 stock companies of each ship is raised by climate fund raising, where paricipants in a ournament on the local, national and inernational level pays to participate, as in poker, but bays a stock in the company and the winner get a job in the company, a few hours a week perhaps, but also with economny to paricipae in the championship where only winners go furher paricipaing in next level toournament from local to global. No loosers as all is supposed to have stocks worh he money paid a leas wih a good profit poential and saving value. We shall be grateful to hear from chess players and go players, their clubs and organisaion and anyone who wants to join in the global competeion as combinaions skills is most important for the building of he world of global inegrity. Games is associated wih lacking real positions in the world, here one get one as well by joining in and combining with pyramid business of the climate fund of inegrated growh gives opportunities of good chas flows as well to those charing he challenges of he championship.

any chess player or go player may compete to become general, we have informed the world of go and chess:
the ships updraft tower balloons:


Global Pavilion  of our World Exhibition is the Pyramid Triumphal Arch as the centre of The Global Integrity Exhibition and by our Climate Ship Nidaros.  There is a 3 km long hall around the arch, 12 m wide with exhibition area on both sides 12 m deep with windows on both sides of the 36m wide exhibition area. There are 20 000 studio flats and excelent communication from the floating city to and from land when we stop by large cities as London, New York, Shanghai (which had an excelent opening of their exhibition, EXPO 2010), Tokyo, Stockholm etc. We enjoy the opportunity of a world cruise and festival, exhibition of the ship we plan to build 108 000 of by cooperation with local intelligence and creativity everywhere, as well as present the enterprise with own exhibition. 6 km x 12m with exhibition area and we welcome all nations, all big cities perhaps with their own building project initiated by cooperation with global times, universities, which we also hope may assist the Climate University of Global Integrity with education on the many ships, combined with world history tour for the young, businesses aspiring for integrated growth by focus on integrating goal of integrity for the world by cooperation with The Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, teams wanting to establish stock companies as each city or ship should have 1008 companies etc.
We welcome volunteers to join in our coordinating structers, to participate in competetions and to enjoy a free festival on the ship or even a world cruise perhaps, if voluntair activities is good and uphold 2 hours a day around the world.Voluntary Work of the World Exhibition 2011 Voluntary Work of the World Exhibition 2011

prellminary Date:November 2011, hopefully earlier inaguration, flexibel by appointmens around the world, and dependent on a healthy coordinating body of volunteers! by networkbuilding

Volunteers of the World Exhibition 2011 Global IntegrityvCruise around the world around the year.We refer to those recruited by the volunteer management team of the around the world festival cruise (or the Organizer) to provide various services on a voluntary basis in the city and ship of Nidaros.

Volunteers are divided to two categories: those offering voluntary services in the places we plan to visit and those offering voluntary services on the ship while travelling. .
Anyone over 18 years old, regardless of nationality, is welcome to join the volunteer teams and children 2 in teams of at least 5 and most often with the acceptance of parents, except for network building by standardiced routines..
Expo Site volunteers refer to volunteers offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer of the global festival around the world around the year!
Expo Site volunteers mainly provide visitors and the Organizer with services including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, events and forum organization and volunteer management as well as network building and building of stock companies where their work may be paid by stocks if their team do success! 
The city volunteers offer such voluntary services as order maintenance, civic ethnic promotion, sanitation and relief action outside the transport location, and is building the infrastructure of global integrity by the networks and Golden Times editorial and subscription service.
They are stationed in the meeting points of the festival gatherings at key transportation hubs, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event venues outside the floating city. They offer services including civic ethic promotion, information, translation, interpretation first aid, opportunities which may be enjoyed correlation etc
 There is a list of opportunities for voluntairs, please, order a Global Times of Growing Integrity eSubscription for Volunteers and register your aspiration.
The logo for the volunteers ENCLOSED
There is a competetion to find the slogans and song for the volunteers!
The recruitment will start when you have passed an Ecourse about the codes of honor and integrity og the festival..
The basic qualifications of a volunteer differs from coordinating responsibility to qualities related to higher responsibilities as a stock company, entertainment, Minster of the City government of 108 Miniteriums etc
 How can the applicants around the world sign up to become a volunteers?
The eSubscrption covers the world by internet or a subscription by mail, the letter costs more, but eSubscription may even be free of subscriptionfee, even though we advice one and pluss books and mafazines which may be ordered for extra costs, too, for those it is easy and no strain on their economy!
All applicants can obtain the general training.and those passing the tests and surviving the selection will receive special training and position training. There are different opportunities to enjoy paid work, be paid by stocks of the companies one join in building or in many cases the volutary free work may be by Our Common World Defense by humanitarian and environmental goals and not paid by cash or money, but parties for those arranging celebrations for others, different festival and cruise programs, may be enjoyed, and in many cases organised by the local teams by standardised routines approved!
We hope to initiate the around the world and around the year Worldexpo by a realized ship allready in Novembner 2011, but as soon as possible. If we plan local festivals around the world during 2012 we may adjust to those if the ship is ready sooner or later and during a period of 3 years visit many places around the world found by agreements with local coordinating teams and units. We welcome one and all around the world to join in!


mvh Anand
Anand er del av fornavnet Rajananand, 
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Global Integrity Research Scientist
Rajananand Dhananjaya,
P.O. Box  22, 7400 Trondheim
see for the concept volunteering
(wikipedia and facebook is copying of aspecs of our ideas but may be origional thinking and not at all in competeion wih our origional combinaions of ideas)

there are several good alternatives by good combinations of technolog as this one 1008m wide and 2016m longy:

This larger ship gives 2 houses 12mx12m with 4m to nex houses on all 4 sides, 3 level high with 16 single rooms, needing 250 000 kr in cash each, or each stock company needs 4 million in cash t build the 2 houses including the land 8 million is needed, but 50% is by the climate fund selling land and business opportunities of the floating city. This cover by all companies the costs of the entire surfboard, the ship, bu do not include ship functionings as engines, sail, balloone, and wings for surfing with engines, too etc. By the requirement of cash the company have 400 000 kr extra for first running costs of the ship and city. If 1008 companies raises he sum and commitment, borrowing the needed money to get sarte with a minimum, would be possible, however several of the companies may be able to raise more to cover the costs of their acitivities as one company may run the engines as a business, another hotels and congress halls as a sart, anoher resturans etc.

for konkuransen kanskje eller for norske fjorder og Nilen kanskje har vi en mindre utgave kun 1008m lang og 252m bred og med ballonger med diameter 784m Universitetbygget er da kun 108mx108m og leiligheene 54 kvm ikke 108m2! Updraft tower er også organisert slik at det kan bli betydlig rimeligere å bygge! Det er mulig at konkuransen kan innebære et av hver størrelse, slik at 2 og 2 skip alltid kjører i lag, ja kanskje 1 stort og 4 små!
2 eller flere konkurerer om først å bygge et skip 1008m langt og alle går sammen med vinneren om å bygge det store, som del av premie! 

Folkeavstemning i åpent registrert valg. I forbindelse med konkuransen og ved the Global Voice of Conscience holdes det en folkeavstemning, med spørsmål som invesering av oljefondet i klimaskip, om byene skal satse på å bli selvforsynt med ren energi, forholdet til dagens forurensning tillatt etc. Noen spørsmål gjelder konkuransen spesielt og barn i alle aldre er velkommen med å besvare spørsmål, også utenfor Hordaland og Trøndelag, Trondheim og Bergen hvor der vil være eksra spørsmål om konkuransen. Vi innbyr til deltagelse i dugnaden for å innhente svar også og oppfordrer alle til å betale litt for å få sine svar annonsert på egen hjemmeside vi kan bygge med sekretæriat og i avisa. Da viser man svar for et spørsmål av gangen. Manfår også vurdere det hele som initiering av globalt, rent intet politisk demokrati lokalt! Ved initiering registrerer man deltagelse og svar på et spørsmål kun og følger opp med nye spørsmål pr mail og forhåpentligvis ved konferanser.

Foreløpige beregninger viser at grundpris for skipet fordelt på 1008 AS er 800 millioner kr, altså ca 800 000 kr pr AS og at dette skipet er mest naturlig for konkuransen om å bygge klimaskip, konkuransren mellom Hordaland og Trøndelag. Etter konkuransen går man sammen om å bygge et 2016m langt skip for vinner lagets 1008 AS får hovedrollen og også de 108 ministre ved klimaskipet blir ministre i hovedskipet. Det er naturlig at skipene seiler i lag, 3 stykk og er redningsfartøy for hverandre, Flere ubåter, enkle løsninger som styrker skipets løfte evne når det surfer inngår også i forsvar, som fly og ballonger ved updraft tower, hvor mange kan gå dypt under ekstrem vær eller fly høyt over. Men med dagens værvarsling og surfeposisjon, altså høy hastighet kan man helt unngå dårlig vær. Skipene bør tåle en symanibølgeoveraskelse og er svart stabile ved størrelse og tyngde.
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