  Operation Rescue Ganges and the Gulf stream
Operation Rescue Ganges and the Gulf stream is representing real opportunities and technological solutions to climate change problems as both Ganges and the Gulf stream is a real danger for the world and may be gone much sooner than expected as a risk we can not ignore! A tube from Kolkata / Calcutta to the Himalya glaciours with sea water by solar energy made steam is one solution and immidiate balancing and reversing the heating of the world ocean the other. Part of the operation is building a climate ship going between Trondheim and Kolkata / Calcutta with a more than 9000 m tall tower held up by balloons, that is taller than mount Everest. Ganges is known to depend on the Himalaya ice which is disapearing real fast. The Gulf stream is found to be 2 degrees Celsius hotter during the last 20 years or so, in 2000 years. The Gulf stream gives the good weather in Scandinavia, and practically speaking goes around the world and its disturbance may disturbe the feeding of plankton or oxygen production in the sea, getting food y streams from the bottom of the ocean. Scientist have done precise meassures, they say and 2 degrees may make the stream so hot that it is ligther than the cold water in spite of salt concentration which may perhaps happen by combinations unknown. The questio is raised the scientists and the heat is a lot and if there permant not by heating also creating steam and increased salt concentration mixing with salt water first...

Rajananand Dhananjaya
Global Integrity Research Scientist / fredsforsker

Rescue Operation
Owing to global warming the glaciers in he Himalaya is reduces just as more than a million sq km of ice from the world ocean. This is a risk for India’s supply of water through Ganges and other rivers and Our Common World Defense by the climate funds of global integrated growth have solutions which may be realized through stock companies of the fund. For instance a pipeline in he Ganges may take sea water from the sea up the river and by solar energy heating the water my be taken out as steam every km and by the glaciers in the end, 2-3 km tall updraft towers let the steam go out high up to establish clouds and snow increasing the glaciers as well as farther down the water may be taken out and spread over the glaciers, at the same time water is taken out for food and farming and hot water for cleaning, steam energy is produced. The surface of the updraft tower collects solar energy and the height makes the updraft tower work by temperature down and up different. Another opportunity by clime fund patents is actually transporting water and energy by hydrogen of the balloons. Transport may then go to where the glacier needs it to grow. Energy is a byproduct and toilet room along he pipe and Ganges may be a good idea too, with solar collectors and hot pure water. Free of use or payment by joining in a climate fund project by work, is a good organization. India and Nepal is welcome to communicate accept of the project and people from India and Nepal welcome o join in the coordination units of he rescue operation not only for Ganges but for the whole world because included is he solution to global warming. Glaciers is disappearing in the Himalaya as all over the world as more than 1 million sq km of ice from the world ocean. What is the integrated growth solution by our common world defense and climate fund patents? People joining in taking responsibility is most important and it seems a good idea to have pipelines from he ocean into Nepal  seawater may achieve a 100 km an hour or more in a pipe going into the Himalaya by letting aluminum foil as mirrors heat the pipe along its path by solar energy so every km and in the end seam water and energy may be taken out and in the end also into an updraft tower say 3 km tall, letting out seam 3 km up falling down as snow and takes away heating of the glacier by clouds forming! We shall be grateful to receive you cooperation to realize the project and donations or investments in the stock companies producing energy and fresh water on is way which is also a rescue operation by the risks of climate change and the example how it can be done. Students from India and Nepal is considering over invitation to join in coordinating units to develop stock companies and growth to realize the solution to at the same time Ganges problems and climate change risks and damage of the world by CO2 by the operation, which may seem as the one and only solution or at least the most practical solution. One stock company by 1008 and the climate ship building project in Trondheim competing with Bergen to build one first may focus on this, but perhaps a competition between Hollywood and Mumbai building a ship first with focus on film aid, the film festival to promote the infrastructure of global integrity, as fundraising opportunity for the operation as well, is a good idea. We shall be grateful to hear from one and all and welcomes India and Nepal to give perdition or communicate support of the project by intentions to agree. UN climate panel expect 2035 around to be the year where the glaciers are gone in Himalaya, but by creating clouds and increasing the ice by a few pipelines from the Indian ocean, perhaps just a few years are needed to get back to normal, in spite of the extreme 100 km withdrawal of ice! We also have a fundraising campaign for just raising money by contributions from persons, governments, organizations, businesses etc. and includes adding chalk to the ocean to combat CO2 concentrations, if that works. We shall be grateful to receive gifts or contributions and cooperation by the teams needed to realize the operation as well as investments by the stock companies with good profit potential as well, focusing on limited action, where aspects of the solution can not be business with expenses we welcome contributions to cover! Chalk we only know from a TV program may balance CO2 in the ocean but that extreme amounts annually is needee as a cubic km. A team is needed to find out where the chalk may be found, if our balloons are good transportation,costs and effect in the sea.

The NTNU Student Climate Fund Organisation promotes a stock company in the competetion to be one of 1008 companies of the climate ship building project. and in the compeetion between Bergen and rondheim o first build the ship.See ntnu.page.tl     http://ntnu.page.tl/
We hope soon to establish a compeetion between Mumbai and LA likewise to build a ship first including the film aid festival.program. It is presented as common knowledge that if the glaciers goes he allround the year suplly of waer to Ganges and other rivers is disturbed. UN climate panel have got critisism for being into the idea hat the glaciers are gone in the Himalaya around 2035 allready. this we can not know, the expectation is later but it may come sooner. he critisim of UN is cover up of shame, we are still poluing as much CO2 as for 12 years ago probably and polluion is done even to have fun. This is obviously a good reason for shame risking watersuplly for more than a billion people and ignoring real solution just leaving responsibiliy for he changes to those playing by heir own isolated personal interests, which seems to be the pattern of the real problem ; the characer sructure of the leadership of the world in the first place created the problem. This we mention not to blame anyone but as a duty and why we have to not leave responsibiliy to ohers but take responsibility ourself. Are you ready to take responsibility for world development promoting global integrity by lifting the spirit of the world by promoting global cooperation by democratic control by our non political world democracy and common world defence?

Our Global Voice of Conscience 3 questions raised  also have questions about the Ganges Rescue Operaion see
based on the Himalaya ice wihdrawel with the risk of loosing all around water suplly to rivers as Ganges and the ice reflecting the sun as 1 million sq km of ice on op of the world ocean is gone. It seems like the solution is found and we prepare many questions for the world to consider by non political global democracy and for Norwegian, we sugges to invest 50% of the oil fund in the solution by the flying updraft towers and ships and if India and Nepal agrees good business of pipelines!
Please, be free to communicate interest to consider this sollution wihin the strategies of our common world defense! 
the Rescue Ganges Operation is that an updraft tower, see the attached, also lifts hot air up where it is colder, if tall enough the air is sucked out owing to temperature difference and with solar collectors in one side, say 2 sq km infusing steam to form clouds, such flying towers alone may stop the melting of the ice and remove heat from the area while producing extreme amounts of energy, enough to suck up seawater for the purpose alone, I guess, but some combination with business is a good idea, a restrurant on the top of Month everest and turism by transport into Himalaya outside roads, producing alluminium , heat from hot water taken down, may perhaps be combinations except that producing water and energy is good business by itself!

We congratulae NTNU wih he plans for India 2011 week and a conference in India about biological diversity. By NTNU week leader Singsaas we havwe welcomed NTNU to join in building the climate ship presented above perhaps with applications for the airfield to go between India and Trondheim alsoo as a floating city and university with 1008 climate firendly stick companies. As the week supports the governmens India policy, this is good, because point 2 of main policy is being environmental friendly like this. The ship may be seen as a fulfilment of the optimal practical goal of the week by the climate fund. We have also offered to rescue the conference not based on non violence policy, save some spend some and NTNU is serving exreme amounts of subsesideed rice and selling and advertising for coca cola for decades. The conference in a counry with 6500 dying children every day according to media, seems to be imbalanced, but by integraed growth foccus by lecterus with RAJANANAND DHAMAMJAYA, the climate university of global integrity may rescue NTNU as NTNU his way may rescue the UN dedicaion of the year.

We have suggested for NTNU to give accept of a building project at NTNU and Gløshaugen for a climate loibrary of the unity of science and integrated growth We welcome the City of Trondheim to offer accept of building one above and around the bridge norh east in the area  with most building south but so large that cars enjoy the riuphal arch by the vedic saying, Only >Truth Triumphs!"!
We have also welcomed India and Delhi to cooperate at such building as landing place for flying busses, buss function for he city, and with rooms 1mx2m for mediation, pryer, food, sleepin andf office wihin the pyramid building and with bah or rest rooms in the celler. Also the city of rondheim is welcomed to spend its billion kr plan for transport on such an environmenal friedly solution, faser and more comforable for people han cars, busses, trains, trams ec.
Universities as well as citizens of the world, governmens and UN must learn from our misakes and see tha there are no solutions in isolaed growh here and here, e imbalances is by exreme sysemaic aciviies decades after decades all over the world and coordination of all acivities in the world correlaed to the soloution by the one and only common world defense, is a must. We suppor UNs team his year by the non violence policy of integraed growth, as we celebrated quaterly in 1986 in Trondheim and Osly by the movement Together for Peace with celebrations as hrp concer with world famous Willy Postma spring equinox and on exact time for summer solstice, a concer with psalms by the bells of Nidaros Cthjedral.  secretariae of the year wrote to Anand: "We truly appreciate your effort in pro,moing he Royal Principle of World Peace."  T9geher for Peace or One and All Togeher for Global Intetgrity.

How We Won the World OK, our film aid and festival theam id based on people no wanting to continue being a part of the terible climate change terrorism, fighing their own indifference and winning values of global integrity. We must learn of mistakes and not risk total desruction of world society as we know it!

The goal of the ungoing congress is to realize a building project of the ship with a pyramid with the size of Cheops! as a pyramid university.

Rajananand Dhananjaya / Stein Roar Andersen before 2004, presented the dome of peace allready by our Book of Peace in 1986, 10 000 copies, many well received around the world:

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