  17th Year of Our Golden Age of Enlightenment
In library search it is good to know that Rajananand was registered Stein Roar Andersen before 2004 as by the 1986book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for 'peace. The back page introduces the principle of world peace, One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity, by UN appreciation. Our united world organisation is not competing with the governments of the word and their natural role, just adding something new, an organisation based on the people of the world standing together as most important, is established to cooperate with UN.
THE Royal Library Society of Global Integrity is established to celebrate the year, to honor those contributing to the climate library and to be the global high society of science by the science of wholeness, the science of the organisation of universities with the ligth of science pointed on how to organise the integrity of the unity of science best according to the dynamics of the development of science as a whole as well as its integration in society.
It is a great joy to offer an eSubscription of Golden Times with one annual magazine, newsletters and the opportunity to order and contribute to the common reference cettre of the library of the unity of science as well as its research project into the organisation of the library, The Climate Library of Integrated Growth by the balances needed when developing an infrastructure of global integrity by World Consitution codes of honor! The subscription fee is NOK 1008, just for receiving materials 108, then without a short library course giving the codes of honor and pratical knowledge to become an editor of Golden Times, as Rajananand, giving his personal eSubscription here as an example for others as well.

about the year:

Year of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth, Year 17th of Our Golden Age of Enlightenment and the reference years of the Library of the Unity of Science is presented by our Golden Times annual magazine and inaguration Monday 21th of March Spring Eqionox Scandinavia.Universitas Year introducing the Science of Wholeness was inagurated January 1980 anf Universitas Year 17 represents the reference year periode known as the Golden Age of Enlightenment by the opportunities of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and the growth of opportunities by the revolution of science.
Please, be free to order a Golden Times eSubscription  including the magazine!
The first the climate library wants to register is the supreme power of the world, msst people  by Global Climate Voting by our common world defense and the Global Voice of Conscience.
The one year eSubscription costs NOK 108  or 1008 if poition as Editor  is wanted and being Anand's personal eSubscription by Golden Times, as all are welcome to present one, this account may be used:

Rajananand Dhananjaya postboks 22, 7400 Trondheim,konto 0532 1667831 NO24 0532 1667831,

Please, be free to send name, adress, emailadress and the message Golden Times eSubscriptionfee and if no strain for yoy be free to share the expenditure of representing global growth of the enterprise by sending more than 108 kr, Norwegian kroner!

We welcomes all liberaries in the world to cooperate building a reference centre for the climate operation to rescue the world as we welcome all universities to open one as a Library of the Unity fof Science Faculty of Comparative Research Study so the process of integrating the diciplines within one university can be in optimum coherence with our Library of the Unity of Science where the climate library is an example of one functioning-  There are programs for integrating the unity of science in the field of climate knowledge pyramids by the climate fund owing to the need of the development of the infrastructure of global integrity not to damage the world by integration and realization in the world. People younger than "university level" is welcome to join in developing the climate library as well! The youngest is welcome to run the Global Climate Voting to save the world and build a reference centre and center for new questions to be considered, all by World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy of democratic control of the climate campaign. It is OK if grups or school classes order one eSubscription sharing the costs, if one person distributes the eMagazine to the others, a list of names f the group is expected.
The Global Integrity logo of the year and annual magazine of Golden Times also known as Global Times, is fcination as a real relationship between the circle and square is found, ball and cube, and verified by the 9 triangels or pyramids! Rajananand is proud to have realized the inner intelligence of the yantra found in a temple in India. The more than thausen year old yantra is not close to have the integrated proportions of the Universitas Ra-yantra, but have the square, circles and 9 triangels perhaps as a "bad" memory of a many thausen year old drawing "found" by Rajananand as his Royal Seal by creful development during some years. The relationship between the circle and square and the number 108, diameter, was found first!
Those wanting to join in voting, just answering questions and perhaps inspiring others to join in, may send a smaller amount if their costs are low, for instance 12 kr, name adress and emailadress, with message Global Climate Voting and a message to anand@hotmail.no telling about the money sent from own personal account, as reference on the one joining in voting program and campaigm 4-16-64... perhaps.
If most people is inspiring 4 others to do the same, communicating accept of answerng a couple of questions and to inspire at least 4 others as soon as possible, integrated global growth for sure is most pwerful by the most important foundation in the world, you and me, the people of the world.

The dedication of the year is by a seven year period focusing on the fifth theme of Universitas Week, this year correlated to second theme and the week is introduced here:
niversitas Week was the origonal concept of the science of wholeness with 7 themes celebrated January february 1980.
Theme 1.
The philosophy of the science of wholeness, the unity of science based on the Latin root of the word university, Universitas, meaning rurned into one whole. The philosophy is easy, mans intelligence is the same as the intelligence expressed in the laws of nature of the universe and therfor man has ability to see and understand and reflect the same intelligence in his own understanding and action. The Union of World Experience is also in our latest global integrity logo found. The intelligence expressed in the circle and square is the same by excact relationship verified by the 9 triangels obviously also must hast have same intelligence and easly seen by man as expressed in the yantra! This union of mans and surounding natures intelligence turned into one whole is the philosophy and frist theme of universitas week. The week is also ment for universities celebration when opening their Climate Library of Integrated Growth.
Theme 2.
Universitas Faculty of Comparative Research Study, which the climate library only represents one focused aspect of, by the first of 4 institutes is theme 2-5. Theme 2 the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, the reference centre of the library of the unity of science.
Theme 3.
is the second institute, the Human Institute of Comparative Research Study, cover awereness of integration of knowledge related to human values, here polution is just an example!
Theme 4.
third institute, the Analyzing Institute of Comparative Research Study, and the institutes are covered in the book The Rvolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace published 1986, 10 000 copies and also available in digital version by dvd books!
Theme 5.
fourth institute of the faculty, The Synthesizing Institute of Comparative Research Study
Theme 6.
the project to build a physical expression of the global union and meeting point for the role of unifying science, universities, schools etc. as well as representing our common homeland. This project to build a capital city of the world also have preliminary project to build new nations as floting cities but also welcomming all nations to give some lnd to global land union, in order to uphold independence of unifying action.
Theme 7.
Celebration and integrity and fulfilment, represents celebrations as that of Spring Eqinox Norway as the independence Day of the Individual Person, The Day of Global Integrity, but may also represents free and decent celebraions with social control of organisations, drugs or alckohol, music and entertainment etc. Free celebrations are the only real celebrations and is based on the respect for the independence of the individual. Celebrations is often associated therefor with chapagne and the british high society for more than a hundred year ago, owing to therespect of independence they enjoyed by the community. It is possible to realize global integrity by high society celebrations and we plan the global climate voting quation celebration, one celebration by those saying yes to one climate question, among the most important quastions in the world, welcomming others to join in celebrating the yes campaign, too. Owing to the tendency to abuse celebrations in society, establising standardised routines by codes of honour is a challenge as tose giving a celebraion must communicate respect of that integrity, respect of those celebrating, as when others is arraging for them likewise respect and distance is given. An organising where people is arranging for each other is composed so to say and we welcome one and all to join in.

It is interesting that the classical Indian philosophy of the observer, process of observation and the observed as the union of world experience by the yantra, is close to the universtias philosophy of the science of wholeness, theme one Universitas Week and that the suptle level of union, pure tracendental intelligence may be covered by quantum physics understanding of the vacuum state!

Invitation to the Libraries of the World, which may be surprised knowing little about the new library science. The challenge of time by climate change and out common world defense is an opportunity for liberies to do research into the principles of cooperation by The Climate library of Integrated Growth, onl an aspect of the library of the unity of science by the science of wholeness enterprise founded 1980 by Rajananand, also called just Anand.. There are courses for library employees and more information, the Golden Times annual mgazine and the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace introducing principles of the linrary in 1986 is available by the Library eSubscription costingv NOK 1008. We welcome all libraries to find 4 friendship libraries 4 other places in the world and those libraries doing so, may forward the digital eSubscription to 4 other libraries.. For instance the 80 pages of our book from 1986 whic we printed in 10 000 copies are scanned and available by easy html version with an arrow moving forward or backward in the book! There are numer of things libraries can do together developing the common  Climate Library of Integrated Growth, including sharing a timeshare on a climateship for an appartment, for common conferences and courses. We shall be grateful to receive an application for a Library eSubscription.
The new library science by the referring institute of comparative research study is well founded, however, in order to be most practical we invite the libraries of the world to join in developing both the science as well as the climate library both for practical use as well as the reference centre of the library. Those libraries ordering an eSubscription welcoming other libraries to join in the library network, may enjoy a free eCourse and offers of different courses of specialisation within the functioning of the climate library of integrated growth and the climate university of global integrity!
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