  it is hotter than expected and meassured
If climate change is man made, then here is a temperature balance by the greenhouse balance, not meassured, but real owing to the problem allready here. The temperature on earth is dependent on the temperaure in the world ocean and is ghgher han meassured becayuse the ocean is cooled by the water in he depth, it akes time to heat up the ocean corresponding to the real temperature balance, and 2 other factors are here, all he melting ice is cooling the sea too and the perhaps 3 million sq km of ice less on annual basis not reflecting the sun ligth anymore is heaing the ocean faster than normal temperature anno 1950 perhaps. The tipping point was probably last millenium and the point where the real temperature is experienced may come in weeks rather than decades and the phasetransition may as a start give sudden sealevel rise 6m. This is probably the situation with the conclusion that it is not enough just to stop polluting, the problem, the present concenration of greenhousegasses is allready here and the one and only solution is our common world defense. Tobias Thorleifsson represening the government of Norway could not answere this question on a lecture he gave, a NTNU with tippingpoint as a theme refering to problem not known by climate scientists, but being a climate scientist is being a idiot of the study of more and more about less and less of specialisation, the climate problem is so complex that it is a multidiciplinary knowledge pyramid trancendingy the knowledge of a group of scientists. Acctualy the science of wholeness by comparative research study is the scienific approach and here by pure logic. In fac our defece represens what is natural to do even if climate change is not there, as producing more food, making the world independent of oil, producing more waer etc by the infrasructure of global integriy! He was smart though seeing that his position was extremly bad, not knowing the answere, refering to the most formost climate scienists in Norway having ensured the quality of his lecure, therefor above comments. This is the third NTNU climate lecture and debate in a few weeks, the only one atended, helding a terrible low standard as it is the mentality which is the problem for the world needing fast change!  We hope everyone fight themself, because the world may be in a situation as when boiling water, He also tried o point out that I was not published anywhere is some other discussion and the lack of publishing of my findings is the mentality of the terrorism, besides if taken seriously, newspapers are waste of paper, growing trees and  the temperature is in the pot, it stars boiling, it is just  a litle more, full boiling! The acceleration of climate change goes faster than scientists expect year after year, decade after decade, probably because it is hotter than registered, so hot that 6 m sea level rise correspond to the temperature owing to balances of heating, temperature and cooling.The reason for the emperature in the air is held back or is cooler than actual balances of the greenhouse effect or climate gas concenration, is simple it takes time for the depths of he ocean to be heaed according to solar energy balances of the amosphere and extrem amount of ice is cooling the sea too and temperature in the air depends on sea temperature, Therefore a phase transition when the deep water is mostly heated and less ice is cooling, as more than one million sq km of ice allready have disappeared from the ocean.
We herefor suggest that all carbon credit is organised by the non profit climate fund of integraed growth and all energy production, too as our common world defence may be he one and only opportunity we have, if not too late allready. he risks are not clear but represents immidiae need for one and all o fulfil their global integrity duty. The disapearence of millions of sq km of ice also directly effects the solar energy balance because ice reflects sunligth so no the heaing of the world is intensified. Possible phaseransition with a sudden sealevel rise of 6 m according to level before by expected actual temperature today, not meassured owing to the cooling effect of the ice melting and the depth of the seas not yet heated according to balances, may also come from metan which in large amounts may be releaded from phermafrost and become a greenhouse gas, so waves of phasetransition not unhinable in months may raise seelevel much more than 6m. It is not human not to tell people this, because peoples indifference and lack of respons is thye problem.
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