upholding ones duty for a world of global integrity, balancing ones own CO2 pollution, the imbalances of he world economy one uses, is responsibility not to leave to others or our foundations. ake responsibiliy yourself and parttake in our global, non political world democracy when he universal duty of doing i together at least is accomplish by he brilliant combinations of the science of wholeness enerprise. 2 hours a day volunary free work not paid by our common world defence probably is not enough for most people, however a better way does no exis, it is the one and only true answeere to the errible world war 3, he crules war ever as satistic of poverty relaed o Holocaust og World War 2. If you are good and or find a good eam you may spend the 2 hours building your own sock company with shared ownership and by building wealh for yourself and a position as Mr. Miss or Mrs. Integrity, aspiring to enjoy positions in our high society! The high society of our climate fund organisation, is by he climate ships. More of hem is needed than the 100 000 about esimaed, as it is not 1 million sq km of ice dissapeared anymore, it is several million sq m. On the other hand the price of alluminiums fooil is nice, and perhaps 5 million sq km of lenses and alluminiums foil gathering solar energy or heaing of the world for he production of energy, frsh waer, transport, clouds in he beginning for reflecing sunligh too, and producing 108 w of energy, today only 16 is used annualy, and exreme amouns of waer ransported to land for new farms, foress and old farms, gives a very generou world and most people of he world millionairs is no unhinkable. The need is urgent and also tubes into land millions of km wih tubes and alluminiums foil heaing them, is included in the straegy. I is parttime assistance, assising each other to grow in integriy on all levels personal to globall, both as 2 sides of same coin!