
 It is a great joy to present the most important climate project in the world, the building of 108 000 thausend climate ships with integrated growth climate strategy wich alone may save the world if most people in the world join our common world defense. Here is a small ship by our project, 240mx240m;

It is a comvination of many things giving water to yhe world, reduction of CO2 in the ocean and atmosphere, prodiction of natural food to one and all etc. see also
http://club1008.tripod.com/nidarostorg/ in Norwegian, and it is our duty to report the page not available by editing from us and tripod ignores it, they cheked it, and it should wotk, but...
(a long time we have been well served, more than a decade by tripod!)
We welcome to join in building a pyramid city by the climate ship and one of the many projects to build one prepared as the solution to climate change is a 100 000 such floating cities.
It is a great joy to welcome herby one and all to join i building a world of global integrity!

Unfortunatly, if the world was a ship, the owrld would be like Titanic, allreay about to go down. sinking. The hours it took Titanic to sink, may be a decade pr two, but it is just a matter of time. If we stop polluting in a few years time, it does not help, he problem is allready here, The damage is allready real. taking the world down. Stop, realy we hope not, and realy we can not kown this for sure!, it may be like cancer, sometimes not deadly. However, th real picture studied is that the world is like Titanic, and the damage of the ship is the allready accumulated CO2 or greenhouses gasses in the atmosphere and in the sea. The climate change is a started and ungoing process, it is allready here, weather we pollute more or not! scientists do perhaps not want to say more than they know for sure but say it is a accelerating problem and that they do not understand the acceleration, but we are still floating so to say! the act of sinking may be the loss of oxygen production at sea, loss of streams as the Gulfstream, a sudden raise of sealvel stating with 5m perhaps etc. resultig i a collapse of orld economy and lack of ability to serve society by basic needs! These results or sudden change or phase transition of sinking, unfortuatly is based on comparison of fcts  telling what may happen. The underlaying acceleration not understood is simply that the greenhouse gas concentration represents a worse situation than that meassured., the real temperature of the world is higher than meassured owing to that i takes time to heat the depth of the world ocean and melt ice as the abot 2 million sq km gone from the surface of the ocean, coling the ocean and therefor the world giving meassured rise of temperature 0,8 degrees C +, but it is just a matter of time for the adjustment of the real balance, perhaps pluss 3 degrees C, - earlier by 2 degrees Celsius pluss, sea level was 5m higher! We are beyond the tipping point one talk about may occure in some years, allready, the problem is allready accumulate, it s real, just like when Titanic was going down. A good chess player see balances like this within seconds, it is easy and real logic revealed, it is free from likes and dislikes, however, comming to the complexity of the climate balances one may be allowed to hope, but what may be seen easily, is that the picture is clearly, the world is sinking, the phse transition by such huge imbalances may result in suddenly going under to the bottom of the sea. Just as exerts may have registered that Titanic took in water and beyond repair was in a situation of sinking! Of course seeing this and acting upon the situation, means stopping and having to do a lot of work and sacrifices and unfortunatly business as usual is Russian Roulet wit the survival of society. It is terrorism against humanity being indifference to the risk of going under. Titanic was lost when going under, but today we do have knowledge which may save the world, even though the picture is that it is unlikely, mostly because peole do not want to do anything and the mentality of the world is sick and the real problem. For instance Titanic may have been saved if they was able to isolate the filling up of water and float on the new sealevel perhaps by adding lifting capacity by blowing up balloones, etc. If they had resourches and skilled manpower, the hours it took for the ship to be sinking to acctually going down, may have stopped the sinking. Just as today, it is not likely w can stop the world from going under, but simply and ogically speaking, if we can reduce the temperature to avoid the bad effects of the heating and reduce the accid effect of CO2 in the sea, as well as start reversing the development by removing greenhouse gas concentration, then there is hope for the world, avoiding the immidiate danger and reversing the development by a few decads. But such an action would need the people of the world to go together, and the fulfilment of the act of duty for people, one and all here, is called Our Common World Dfense by the royal unification of Rajananand. It also would take adjustments everywhere to suistainable development standards or integrated growth. The Climate Fund have the program expecting most people to invest 2 hours a day in new stock companies. The eduction of temperature may be achived by using the heating o the world to produce sollar energy by a couple of million sq km snligth incomming, - that is using mirrors or lenses to produce solar energy spent to produce and transpirt fresh water from sa water to prodce farms and forests in the desserts of the world. Adding chal to the ocean in order to reduce accid accumulations, may work, if underwater sourches is found and techniques to releae it to the sea, as well as producing plankton not for biodisel but as fertilizer for farms, eating CO2 from sea ater! Techniques are found. Such a massive operatiion is planned and organised by technique which may work, even most people celebrating the opportunity saying yes lets do it, may be enough to fulfil the need of time!.

more drawings of th climateship

Welcome to my homepage and enjoy how to build a world of global integrity as a challenge of time by our common world defense. - Anand

NTNU Climate Fund Student High Society
The sollution to climate change by 108 000 floating cities may create a cooler world by using  updraft tower balloons going wih the ship to produce solar energy and energy by moving hot air from the surface of the ocean 3km or more up by updraft towers, so the heating of the ocean is reduced by producing a lot of energy and fresh water from salt water as well as transport of both energy and water to uphold good economy and to produce new farms and food as by desserts. The updraft tower add steam by solar collectors to the many km tall tube and also is a windmill. The ball balloons around the tube may have diameter 1008m and 9 cm of alluminium in the surface and vacuum inside, lifting itself and 300 000 ton perhaps, held down by the more than million ton weigth of the ship. The updraft tower may use the steam and water or let it out to form clouds. The floating city is supposed to be a festival, congress, university, cruise and city area and be a environmenal friendly city.

We to produce a permanent solution to climate change still expect 108 000 ships to be built, however for preliminary balance, solutions needs more than balance of temperature as pointed out, we expect 1008 ships and floaing cities is enough together with some landbased activities. 2010 has been hoter than bedfore but cooler in Scandinavia owing to the vulcanic activities probably , soping the sun from heating the gulf stream top 50m layer and temperaure reduced therefore! his clearly indicates that producing clouds will balance temperaure on earth, stopping the melting of ice and starting a reversal of he process assised by building ice during winter and using production of waer from salt waer o make desserts green, eating CO2 assised by algea production for fertilzer.

If one study the pyramid architecture above one find how the defense of the fort was brilliant by the combinations of the fort by the dome! An eSubscrption, see all seeing eye link left, and Ra-yantra pyramid architecture congress is available for further study as well as an eCourse!

Why we focus on the terrible risks climate change represents, is because the world does not. The world seeks to exploit the siuation economically and otherwise and do ignore the facts. The fact is that it is not enough stop or reducing pollution, the problem is allready here, the present greenhousegas concentration is enough to say it is a risk and probable possibility that the world is damaged beyond repair in a few monhs time. Scienists may say it is not likely, idiots may say we must not desturb the masses, politicians may say we can not afford to... etc. but there are no guarantees, it is not unrhinkable, the logical risks are not possibkle to argue against as it is extremly complicated with all he streams of the ocean, extra heating by sq km of ice lacking and extra heating by greenhouse gasses.. Changes by extreme streams may give alone a phase transiion or by exreme weather hitting antarctic, as hot waer may be like hot knifes in butter perhaps increasing sea level 6m as a start ay once. The sea have accumulated heating enough to integrate the new water from the ice easily. or owing to expeced temperature balance allready is a par of the ocean, it just ake some time for it to melt and a 6m sealevel rise as a start may give worse damage to our world than a nucular war even inclde one and  we challenge the world discussing this most real aspec of the climate change problem, he risk we can not deney or afford to ignore, see
CO2 page, lefthand side,
the idea that owing to the allready accumulaed or present grenhousgas concenration, the temperature is considerable higher than meassured due to the facts of the balances, it just ake some time to heat the ocean and or the ice of the poles, and phasetransitions may happen in weeks raher han decades, is not just a bad idea, it is the most scientific approachm most pure logic and common sense, as thas wha he daa ells, incklding he massures showing co2 concenraion goes hand in hand for ecremly many thausend years, and now owing to sudden changes emperaure have not followed up, but the real temperaraure balance is allready up, i jus akes some time!
It is a great joy to introduce NTNU Student Climate Fund Organisation as an opportunity for all students at NTNU and in Trøndelag, as well as for NTNU as a university


Latest 2011 picture of Anand by the yantra he  made as a frame; a man is known for how he thinks immage!

NTNU Student Climate Fund Organization

We welcome NTNU and other Schools in Trøndelag to join in realizing the solution to world poverty  which is making money generally dirty besides of course being today's Holocaust and removing CO2 pollution and global warming destruction of our world. We welcome one and all by Nidaros Climate Fund of Global Integrity to join in building the world of global integrity by growing in the values of personal and global integrity themselves building the infrastructure. Building the world we all need, more badly needed probably than most people can see, by establishing stock companies of integrated growth. The challenge we share is to build the 1008m long climate ship with 1008 stock companies combating climate change. Today we plan to build 108 000 such ships and floating cities, to use so much of the incoming solar heating to produce energy, fresh water and transport of energy and fresh water to produces farms of desserts to "eat" CO2 and other technological solution to balance CO2 we have, as huge balloons by the ships using solar energy high up by optimal effect. However, by our technological solutions we expect that updraft towers by the ship say 3km tall by balloons held down by the million ton of concrete of the ship, may by difference of temperature up and down and solar energy to produce steam in he tube, may balance the imbalance of the heating of the seas and the world as well, by huge cloud formation .300 ships may be enough as preliminary balance to the heating also producing more sea ice as 1 million sq km have disappeared. Travelling where sea plankton production is low. And other adjustments are needed. Global Student Union by NTNU years ago established the 1008 mild foundations to enjoy 50% of the stocks of each of the 1008 stock companies on behalf of world democracy this way having democratic control with the energy production in order not to create new imbalances by greed and profit interests. The profit potential given by the fund for those joining in is best and excellent from any point of view, but limited to a large profit, not more, for instance 10 to 100 times the invested value or money. Today we have developed the architecture of the city and good functioning of he ship and included the organization to be part of the completion to build 108 000 floating new countries with 108 Ministries. There in Trondheim are 2 projects to build 2 floating cities each with 32 000 apartments each 36 sq m and a huge city area and the ship Trøndelag our student climate fund organization have preliminary project to join in with one or several stock companies as preliminary project, companies ready to be established as soon as the investments is completed and by the standardized routines of the climate fund. NTNU is welcome to join in establishing one company investing the times of most professors and experts of NTNU developing the practical values of the ship and giving students, all at NTNU excellent housing and perhaps even extending the university to he ship in he fjord going around producing energy, letting people to and from Trondheim several times a day, perhaps by a Zeppeliner, to and from NTNU. T he foundation is a non profit and non political foundation, just promoting opportunities of establish companies together with the climate fund, by homepage, preliminary project to establish companies as a stock company club, congresses, lectures and publications of Global Times. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.


World Constitution Fund
President Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim, Norway

more about the climate funds

The world constitution of non political global democracy represents the infrastructure of global integrity. The climate funds are venture capital fund and welcomes one and all to invest 2 hours a day paid by stocks of good investments and saving to build the new world of better stability without the risks of today extreme imbalanced and with a safety net for one and all. The original strategy of our common world defense represents the true interests of one and all. and is most practical to remove poverty as a world problem and balance global warming and the extreme imbalances of CO2, if it is not too late, as he risks are real and extreme!

NTNU Student Climate Fund Organization was established spring 2010 but was also changed of a several year old student organization with several students supporting the development, only one new student 2010.
We have focused on the development making it natural for all or most students to join in. It is a great joy to have that perfection, now, and welcomes students in Trøndelag to join in.
We challenge Bergen by the climate ship project Hordaland to a completion; Trøndelag or Hordaland first to realize the ship as well as a competition to realize the ship with best qualities. All school classes are welcome to join in establishing a stock company together with our climate fund, perhaps together with other classes or the whole school or university. A school class may order the eSubscription with fee 216 kr and share the course to establish pyramid business and become an editor of Global Times, as far as we communicate only with one in the class.
05321667831 by Dhananjaya's personal account and newsletter as editor may be used for the fee, which otherwise the price for one person or eSubscriber is taking courses to become editor on different levels.

One stock company about to be established represents the national film festival organization, where the fund raising of the film goes 96% as investment into solar energy for India, including production and transport of fresh water. his may be by the ship going from Norway to India and back, producing water and hydrogen, which may be transport by a zeppeliner combination, hydrogen produced gives energy and lifting, water in tanks below the balloon... Another opportunity dependent on agreement of national authorities in India, is many km long tubes going into land from he sea with seawater and along the tube by aluminum foil is solar heating giving steam, steam energy, pure water   and hot water for cleaning and food coking and owing to the extreme solar energy by say a 100 km with tube, even a thin tube may give a lot of water by high speed and temperatures. openings on the way let out water or seam balancing temperature and giving supply of energy and hot water for instance every km. The purpose of film aid is no to raise money, but the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity by he OK of most people of the world to answer questions of non political global democracy of our common world defense.
Another stock company is that of administration of the building project and sharing of income from those wanting timeshare of the 20000 36 sq m apartments of the project. 1008 companies may partly go into by their given guarantee by a bank with their financial share, when all is ready for the firs floors of the 72m tall building going around with 32000 apartments when all floors are there!
We Shall be grateful to hear from one and all accordingly.

preliminary One of the 1008 stock companies is developing the most inexpensive solution for the users of energy to become independent with energy production and storage. This is most interesting in Bergen these days, where the government wants to spend so many billions dollar to transport energy to Bergen hat all in Bergen may be self-sufficient for hat price. We have said hat the climate fund may do it for the sum, but even though we mean so, raising funding elsewhere as well and based on users may pay some money monthly for some time as safety line for the promise, we sill think it is possible to create he inexpensive solution based on 4-12 family houses going together for one local solution everywhere, costing less than 50 000 for each family, no running costs. We are talking about the costs of one year of electricity bills to become free from bills for years to come, and we welcome people in Trøndelag and Hordaland to order so low costs can be achieved by mass production, an eSubscription costing 216 kr, when ordering giving the message energy course, also gives participation in pyramid business with profit potential by the network building. The 1008 long ship have a pyramid frame with the size and proportions of the Cheops pyramid in Giza! Of course it is possible to join in without paying any fees, but we recommend an eSubscription costing 216 kr giving also a course of pyramid business. It is a student organization and working for money one never should do, but when building the world of integrity one must share challenges and common expenses and the Constitution of Norway says when doing good work one is supposed to be well paid. Being paid in stocks is the main idea but by pyramid business we may generate a cash flow for people o take a full time job, too. It is Nidaros Climate Fund of Integrated Growth upholding the initiative of the Trondheim Bergen Competition and welcomes 1008 teams to be formed both in Bergen and Trondheim by the Trøndelag Hordaland climate campaign competition. A free cruise and festival for the participants of the winner campaign, probably for the losers to if they win the challenge of building their floating city. NTNU Student Climate Fund Organization welcomes NTNU to establish a branch of the Climate Library and NTNU students, professors and others as well as the university itself and for instance its institutes, to join in. Only one new NTNU student so far this year has signed the confidentiality agreement sharing the opportunities for building wealth and businesses of integrated growth. That growth far stronger than sustainable development opposed to isolated growth on the cost of the whole no matter how large economic growth it represents, is life supporting for all aspects of life, not destroying the environment nor anyone’s foundation for economy and normal living, not now, not in the future. We shall be grateful to ear from students and others a NTNU and people, schools, businesses, organizations, local governments etc. in Trøndelag to promote our winning position in the world, winning world war 3, the war destroying our world with a Holocaust of 50 000 children dying every day and against the foundation for living a free, independent and good life. Our Common World Defense welcomes one and all in Trøndelag and Hordaland likewise, to join in the sportiest challenge of time completion.

NTNU Students to NTNU Student Climate Fund Organization; (NTNUSCFO)) we are In.
We support that  NTNUSCFO promotes that NTNU becomes self-sufficient with pure energy production and storage.
It seems like it is possible to balance global warming by god business and global democratic control by our non political world democracy and common world defense by using so much of the heating of the world to produce energy and water by steam that he temperature on earth goes down half a degree Celsius balancing global warming- If most people in the world is in I may answer more questions to realize the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity. Questions of the role of Global Bank giving one and all a minimum income to build the new world and remove poverty by the minimum income to realize global integrity I may answer as well.
name @ ok with signature
ok 2010 ______

the above may be sent anand2hotmail.no and a welcome to meting for signature, lecture and debate may be expected!

NTNU Studener til NTNU Student Climate Fund Organisation. Vi er med!
Vi støtter at NTNU Climate Fund Organisation fremmer at NNU gjøres selvtilstrekkelig med produksjon og lagring av ren energi.
Spørsmål 2 Det synes som at det trolig er praktisk mulig ved god forretning å nytte så meget sollys i energi og vann produksjon ved fordampning at temperaturen på jorda går ned 0,5 grader Celsius, underegnede svarer gjerne på flere spørsmål om dette om folk flest i verden er med?
Det ser ut til at ved vårt intet politiske globale demokrati og felles verdens forsvar kan samle verden om dette med den uavhengige demokratiske kontroll som også skal til for å betale alle i verden en minste innekt for å starte opp energiproduksjonen og realisere infrastrukturen for global integritet og verdens fred? Jeg svarer gjerne på flere spørsmål om Global Banks minstelønn og fjerning av verdens fattigdom om folk flest er med?

navn @ ok med underskrift
ok 2010 _____

De ovenstående kan sendes anand@hotmail.no med forventning om innbydelse til møte for underskrift, foredrag og debatt.

The ship is of course going to be an example of  the environmental city
, an example of self sufficiency of energy production and storage on many levels as well as how this is par of the solution to global warming, he 1008 stock companies all should have business approaches possible o integrate in the whole world building the new and safe planet of ours as soon as possible as well as that of building the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as also the environmental problem is mainly one of global, local and personal mentality or psychological character structure on all levels coming to sickness, from a positive point of view we are lifting the spirit of he world also by the climate ship.

By conferences several students have communicated interest in research and development, joining in and opportunities for funding of their participation is discussed. Our organization represents more he assistance of a professor and ha of an investor, where the students is supposed to form teams them selves taking care of funding and the opportunity is good. One research approach may be going into the strategies of combating climate change and Ganges Rescue Operation, eliminating world poverty and or the overall strategy of realizing the infrastructure of global integrity and then considering the tactics, he interdisciplinary challenge of testing and developing the combinations of technology, economy, our common world defense etc to see if it fulfils the goal of the strategy as the one and only real solution. The student may then form themes fulfilling own special abilities to face he challenge identified by the description and focus of the above according to the standardized climate fund approach of integrated growth. A student finding 12 students and a few professors may enjoy excellent opportunities and above the research project at the same time establishing stock companies raising money to give those running the project full or part time cash paid jobs for years. The opportunity of fund raising by gifts, contributions to support the environmental and humanitarian goals, is also possible to enjoy immediate cash flow for start up! There are also opportunities by pyramid business starting to sell and earn money at once! But above all, we do not do anything to earn money itself, but may adjust growth to earn money on integrated growth!
We welcome those with inters for joining in with their own stock company business idea or research and development approach as well as those seeking to join in a team without, he climate fund do no invest money, but business opportunities and other values as work against stocks, a leas 50% of he socks. If here are several persons taking responsibility for one company each, they may work paid by stocks in each others companies as well as competing.
Welcome to communicate interest to join in. anand@hotmail.no

Our Global Voice of Conscience 3 questions raised above also have questions about the Ganges Rescue Operation see
based on the Himalaya ice withdrawal with the risk of loosing all around water supply to rivers as Ganges and the ice reflecting the sun as 1 million sq km of ice on op of the world ocean is gone. It seems like the solution is found and we prepare many questions for the world to consider by non political global democracy and for Norwegian, we suggest to invest 50% of the oil fund in the solution by the flying updraft towers and ships and if India and Nepal agrees good business of pipelines!
Please, be free to communicate interest to consider this solution within the strategies of our common world defense!

Please, be free to communicate interest to consider this solution within the strategies of our common world defense!

Page under construction and what link is placed upon our introduction?

One agrees there have been no top temperatures this summer in Norway and perhaps has owing to the volcano on Island as a shadow for he sunshine heating the Gulf stream we know effects the temperature in Scandinavia. If so it is a good promise for the effective tactics of combating global warming, by updraft towers flying as a balloon 3 km tall creating clouds!
  Comming to the opportunity for NTNU to raise 107 points in global integrity of science, there are of course many more facors than 108 for inernal integrity also related to national and international integrity of science and combining facors to verify the growth is done as growthg is regisered. he Climate University itself to not enjoy 108 points, owing to being a research university with minimum economy and small infrastructure, however it is built by the factors of global integrity and we guess is close to 90, however being the university giving the scores and having points above 108 by the external criteria of the global integrity of science, the university is not considered part of the competetions among universitiers to be best.

Here with 7 balloons inside a frame and by correct conection more than 9000m tall, our Mount Meru Everest
on the floating island!

http://anand1008.tripod.com a page in Norwegian about supporting royal unification of world society!
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